Presentaties en Publicaties
Medewerkers van het CDS geven in samenwerking met diverse collega's regelmatig trainingen, presentaties en workshops. Zij zijn (co)auteur van diverse publicaties over 'Digital Scholarship'.
2024, Tessa de Roo, et al. Predatory and questionable publishing practices: How to recognise and avoid them. UKB - Dutch Consortium of Libraries. Zenodo.
2024, Femmy Admiraal, et al. Social Sciences and Humanities Compass - Navigating digital research services. Zenodo.
2024, Kristina Hettne, Marjolein de Vos, Liesbeth van Wijk-Zielstra, Alessa Gambardella, Peter Verhaar. FAIR Implementation Profile for Leiden University Libraries digital collections. Zenodo.
2024, Josh Moore, Andra Waagmeester, Kristina Hettne, Katherine Wolstencroft, Susanne Kunis. RDF as a bridge to doman-platforms like OMERO, or There and back again. Zenodo.
2024, César H. Bernabé, ..., Kristina Hettne, et al. Building expertise on FAIR through evolving Bring Your Own Data (BYOD) workshops: describing the data, software, and management- focused approaches and their evolution. Data Intelligence 1–23.
2024, Peter Verhaar, Erik-Jan Dros, Marjolein de Vos, Carola van Drift. De bijzondere collectie van de toekomst. De Boekenwereld 24:4.
2023, Kristina Maria Hettne, et al.. FIP2DMP: Linking data management plans with FAIR implementation profiles. FAIR Connect, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 23-27.
2022, Laurents Sesink, et al. Practical guide to Software Management Plans. Zenodo.
2022, Kristina Hettne, Joanne Yeomans, et al. How to be FAIR with your data. A teaching and training handbook for higher education institutions (draft version in Zenodo)
2021, Kristina Hettne, Ron Aardening, Dirk van Gorp, Chantal Hukkelhoven, Nicole Loorbach, Jeroen Sondervan, Astrid van Wesenbeeck. A Practical Guide to Preprints: Accelerating Scholarly Communication (1.0). Zenodo.
2021, Jeroen Sondervan, Arjan Schalken, Jan de Boer, & Saskia Woutersen-Windhouwer, Sharing published short academic works in institutional repositories after six months: The implementation of the article 25fa (Taverne Amendment) in the Dutch Copyright Act. LIBER Quarterly 31(1), 1–17.
2021, Kristina Hettne, Dorien Huijser, Jessica. E. Hrudey, Michelle Wieringa et al. Brain MRI data sharing guide (Version 2). Zenodo.
2020, Kristina Hettne, Peter Verhaar, Erik Schultes & Laurents Sesink, From FAIR Leading Practices to FAIR Implementation and Back: An Inclusive Approach to FAIR at Leiden University Libraries. Data Science Journal, 19(1), p.40
2020, Pascal Braak P, Hans de Jonge, Giulia Trentacosti, Irene Verhagen & Saskia Woutersen, Guide to Creative Commons for scholarly publications and educational resources.
2020, Erik Schultes, Barbara Magagna, Kristina Maria Hettne, Robert Pergl, Marek Suchánek, Tobias Kuhn. Reusable FAIR Implementation Profiles as Accelerators of FAIR Convergence. In: Grossmann G., Ram S. (eds) Advances in Conceptual Modeling. ER 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12584.
2020, Kristina Hettne, Ricarda Proppert, Linda Nab, L. Paloma Rojas-Saunero, Daniela Gawehns. ReprohackNL 2019: how libraries can promote research reproducibility through community engagement. IASSIST Quarterly, 44(1-2), 1-10.
2020, Woutersen-Windhouwer, S., Méndez Rodríguez, E., Sondervan, J. and Oort, F.J. UNIVERSITY JOURNALS. Consolidating institutional repositories in a digital, free, open access publication platform for all scholarly output. LIBER Quarterly, 30(1), pp.1–15.
2020, Hana Pergl Sustkova, Kristina Maria Hettne, Peter Wittenburg, Annika Jacobsen, et al., FAIR Convergence Matrix: Optimizing the Reuse of Existing FAIR-Related Resources, in Data Intelligence 2(2020): 158-170
2020, Annika Jacobsen, Ricardo de Miranda Azevedo, Nick Juty, Dominique Batista, Kristina Hettne et al., FAIR Principles: Interpretations and Implementation Considerations, in Data Intelligence 2(2020): 10-29
2019, Laurents Sesink et al., Open Scholarship and the need for collective action
2019, Mafalda Marques, Saskia Woutersen-Windhouwer en Arja Tuuliniemi, Monitoring Agreements with Open Access Elements: Why Article-level Metadata Are Important in Insights 32 (1): 35
2019, Saskia Woutersen-Windhouwer, Damiaan van Eeten & Arjan de Rooy, Het Harvard Open Access-licentiemodel in het Nederlands recht, in Nederlands Juristenblad (NJB)
2019, Joanne Yeomans et al., Engaging Researchers with Data Management: The Cookbook
2019, Krista Murchison & Ben Companjen, Manuscripts, Metadata, and Medieval Multilingualism: Using a Manuscript Dataset to Analyze Language Use and Distribution in Medieval England, in DH Benelux journal
2019, Kristina Hettne et al., The FAIR Funder pilot programme to make it easy for funders to require and for grantees to produce FAIR Data
2019, Laurents Sesink, Duurzame toegang tot research data. Beleid, protocollen, voorzieningen, standaarden en het ontwikkelen van vaardigheden en competenties, in Preserveren. Stappen zetten in een nieuw vakgebied. Casus Universiteit Leiden, 113-122.
2018, Ben Companjen, 'Software & data skills trainen met Library Carpentry', in IP: Vakblad voor Informatieprofessionals 2018(1): 20-21.
2018, Fieke Schoots, Laurents Sesink, Peter Verhaar, Floor Frederiks, 'Implementing a Research Data Policy at Leiden University'
2017, Wilms L., Cock M.P. & Ben Companjen, 'Digital Humanities Clinics - Leading Dutch Librarians into DH'
2017, Peter Verhaar, Fieke Schoots, Laurents Sesink, Floor Frederiks, 'Fostering Effective Data Management Practices at Leiden University'
2017, Peter Verhaar en Laurents Sesink, 'Wereldwijde toegang tot afbeeldingen via IIIF'
2016, Peter Verhaar, Affordances and limitations of algorithmic criticism (proefschrift).
Diverse rapporten over onder andere Open Science en de digitale toekomst van wetenschappelijke bibliotheken zijn in samenwerking met het CDS tot stand gekomen.
2023, Building the plane as we fly it: the promise of Persistent Identifiers
2022, The Many Ways of Addressing Societal Impact Evaluations in Dutch Universities
2022, Towards a national PID roadmap
2022, Naar hoogwaardig digitaal onderwijs
2021, Digitaal Erfgoed Referentie Architectuur (DERA) - versie 4.0
2021, FAIR Principles for Research Software (FAIR4RS Principles)
2021, Defining Research Software: a controversial discussion (Version 1)
2021, Research Libraries, Researchers & the EOSC - Final Report
2021, Feasibility study Open Knowledge Base
2021, Research software sustainability in the Netherlands: Current practices and recommendations
2020, Open Scholarship and Collective Action: Introducing the Open Scholarship Framework
2020, Beyond APC: on the need for diamond open access publication platforms
2020, Digitaal Erfgoed Referentie Architectuur (DERA3.0) Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed
2019, Accelerating scholarly communication: The transformative role of preprints
2019, Insights into the Economy of Open Scholarship: A Collection of Interviews
2019, Top 10 FAIR Data & Software Things
2018, FAIR Data Advanced Use Cases: from principles to practice in the Netherlands
2017, Knowledge Exchange approach towards Open Scholarship.
2017, NMC Horizon Report, 2017 Library Edition.
Andere output
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Het CDS team publiceert ook regelmatig blogs, bijvoorbeeld op onze Digital Scholarship @ Leiden blog.