1,311 zoekresultaten voor “active studies” in de Publieke website
Essentiality of conserved amino acid residues in β-lactamase
Evolution acts via mutations in amino acid sequences. Substitution of essential amino acids leads to a nonfunctional protein. l.
Dynamics of a β-lactamase
BlaC is the β-lactamase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We show that it can recover from inhibition by clavulanic acid and that phosphate helps it do so.
NMR studies of protein-small molecule and protein-peptide interactions
Promotor: M. Ubbink, Co-promotor: G. Siegal
galaxies at low frequencies: high spatial and spectral resolution studies with LOFAR
Promotor: H.J.A. Röttgering, Co-promotor: G.K. Miley
Functions of leptin in tuberculosis and diabetes: multi-omics studies across species
In this thesis, I study 1) metabolic alterations in tuberculosis related to wasting syndrome in human patients as well as in rodent and fish animal models. 2) effects of the mutation of the leptin gene on cachexia and diabetes in rodent and zebrafish animal models.
André Gerrits bij Sleutelstad over Urban Studies
De Engelstalige bacheloropleiding Urban Studies ging dit jaar van start, maar wat houdt de opleiding precies in? André Gerrits, hoogleraar International Studies and Global Politics, was te gast bij Sleutelstad om te spreken over deze nieuwe opleiding.
Eerste universitaire bacheloropleiding Urban Studies in Nederland
De Universiteit Leiden heeft een nieuw interdisciplinair studieprogramma gelanceerd: Urban Studies. Studenten duiken in dit Engelstalige bachelorprogramma in hedendaagse en toekomstige stedenproblematiek. Het is de eerste studie waarvoor vijf faculteiten de handen ineenslaan.
Legal Aspects of Active Debris Removal (ADR)
Extremely loud & incredibly far: observing radio bright AGN into the cosmic dawn
In this thesis new methodologies are developed for the detection and systematic study of radio sources in the early universe. This allows us to gain a deeper understanding of the formation and evolution of galaxies, the activity of supermassive black holes, and the final phase transition of our universe:…
Security Studies krijgt bronzen predicaat EW Beste Studies 2023
De bachelor Security Studies heeft een bronzen medaille ontvangen in EW Beste studies 2023. Elk jaar selecteert EW Beste Studies topopleidingen.
Electrochemical and surface studies of the effect of naphthalene-based additives on tin electrodeposition
Tin electrodeposition applications have rapidly evolved in the past 25 years.
Computational, biochemical, and NMR-driven structural studies on histone variant H2A.B
Nature uses a special class of histone proteins, histone variants, to modulate the properties of chromatin at defined genomic locations.
efficient membrane biophysical tool and its application in drug delivery studies
Promotor: A. Kros
Chemical biology of glucosylceramide metabolism fundamental studies and applications for Gaucher disease
This thesis describes biochemical investigations of glucocerebrosidase (GBA), the lysosomal β- glucosidase that is deficient in Gaucher disease (GD).
Rubiconbeurs voor Leidse natuurkundige: waarom groeien bladeren van een boom altijd in dezelfde vorm?
Promovendus Ludwig Hoffmann gaat dankzij een Rubiconbeurs die hij op 11 april won twee jaar naar Harvard University in de VS. Met behulp van theoretische modellen bestudeert hij biologische materialen, bijvoorbeeld tijdens de morfogenese. Dit is het proces waardoor weefsels of organismen hun vorm ontwikkelen.…
Connect & Retain: Data retention, active digital preservation and trustworthy digital archives - A myth buster talk
Webinar, Q&A, discussion
Diploma uitreiking BSc Security Studies: ‘Blijf nieuwsgierig’
Op woensdag 31 augustus 2022 vond de diploma-uitreiking plaats van de BSc Security Studies. De ceremonie werd geopend door programmadirecteur Daan Weggemans.
community ecology; a next generation of eDNA monitoring tool for biomass studies in freshwater environments
How can we quantify the density of species within a community through environmental DNA concentrations?
Photothermal studies of single molecules and gold nanoparticles: vapor nanobubbles and conjugated polymers
Promotor: M.A.G.J. Orrit
CD8+ T-cells in atherosclerosis: mechanistic studies revealing a protective role in the plaque microenvironment
Atherosclerosis is the most important underlying process that drives cardiovascular disease, and is characterized by an accumulation of cholesterol which triggers an inflammatory response in the vessel wall.
Bekijk de nieuwe alumnivideo van International Studies
Waar komen International Studies alumni terecht na hun afstuderen? Maak kennis met Guido, Paulien en Lennart. Zij deden alle drie de bachelor International Studies aan de Universiteit Leiden in Den Haag en zijn na hun studie in heel verschillende sectoren terechtgekomen.
Ajay Gandhi
Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
Ivo Smits
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Sofia de Jong
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Joeri Lammerts
Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
Eerste webinar BSc Security Studies succesvol
Programma directeur van het bachelorprogramma Security Studies Daan Weggemans trapte vanmiddag het eerste webinar voor studiekiezers af. In Kaltura Live had hij een internationaal publiek van zo’n 60 geïnteresseerden.
Systems pharmacokinetic models to the prediction of local CNS drug concentrations in human
Clinical development of drugs for central nervous system (CNS) disorders has been particularly challenging and still suffers from high attrition rates.
Inspirerend en interactief eindejaarsseminar Empirical Legal Studies
Op vrijdag 11 december 2020 vond het eindejaarsseminar van Empirical Legal Studies plaats, uiteraard geheel coronaproof online. Via dit seminar konden collega’s en andere geïnteresseerden op een laagdrempelige manier meer te weten komen over het toepassen van empirische onderzoeksmethoden in de rec…
Graduation ceremony BSc Security Studies: 'Look beyond your own beliefs'
On Monday 26 August, students were warmly welcomed at the Wijnhaven location with a blue carpet and live music. Accompanied by their friends and family, they gathered to receive their BSc Security Studies diploma.
Nieuwe start voor de studie van religie: LUCSoR
‘Religie is overal’ – dat is de eerste zin uit de missie van het nieuwe Leiden University Centre for the Study of Religion (LUCSoR). Na intensieve voorbereiding en in nauwe samenwerking met het Leiden University Institute for Area Studies (LIAS), is LUCSoR vandaag van start gegaan. Dit nieuwe centrum…
Next generation bacitracin: reimagining a classic antibiotic
Given the accelerating appearance of antimicrobial resistance, there is an urgent need for more fundamental research into novel antibiotic strategies. The work in this thesis helps to address this global problem by developing new antibiotic compounds, inspired by the antibacterial mechanisms of the…
Withstanding the cold: energy feedback in simulations of galaxies that include a cold interstellar medium
Understanding how galaxies form, interact, and evolve comes largely from comparing theory predictions with observational data. Numerical simulations of galaxies provide the most accurate approach to testing the theory, as they follow the non-linear evolution of gas and dark matter in great detail and…
Activity-based protein profiling of glucosidases, fucosidases and glucuronidases
Promotores: H.S. Overkleeft, G.A. van der Marel, Co-promotor: B.I. Florea
Ruthenium-peptide conjugates for targeted phototherapy
As leading cause of death worldwide, cancer is responsible for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020 according to World Health Organization (WHO). Cisplatin and its derivatives are commonly used chemotherapy agents for current cancer treatment in the clinics.
Atomic Insights into Hydrodesulfurization
Hydrodesulfurization (HDS) is an ubiquitous part of oil refining that ensures that fuels are cleaned of impurities and environment release of pollutants such as SOx and NOx gasses are minimized.
Chemical Synthesis of Fragments of Streptococcal Cell Wall Polysaccharides
This thesis describes the design and synthesis of fragments of various cell wall carbohydrates of the Streptococcus species, including the branched Group B-specific antigen (GBC) of Group B Streptococcus, glycerol phosphate (GroP) modified group A carbohydrate (GAC), and the O-acetylated type 1 capsular…
“This Path Is Full of Thorns”: Narrative, Subjunctivity, and HIV in Indonesia
In this article, Samuels focuses on the active fostering of subjunctivity in processes of narrative worldmaking. Drawing extensively from the narrative of an HIV‐positive woman in Indonesia, she shows that by subjunctively leaving open multiple narrative trajectories and future possibilities, individuals…
New polymyxin antibiotics for old problems: addressing nephrotoxicity and resistance
Polymyxins are clinically used antibiotics, discovered in mid-20th century. Once abandoned due to excessive nephrotoxicity, they are now used increasingly to address infections caused by multi-drug resistant Gram-negative bacteria.In this thesis, we describe the development and synthesis of analogues…
Tuning in to the feedback bassline: revealing the operation of AGNs in galaxy clusters with high-resolution radio observations
Following the Big Bang, structure in the Universe started collapsing under the force of gravity. This resulted in the formation of the first stars, galaxies and clusters of galaxies.
Dormancy in stochastic interacting systems
Organisms often need to adapt more efficiently and devise new strategies for surviving difficult ecological circumstances.
Vamping the Stage: Female Voices of Asian Modernities
Announcement of the publication of Vamping the Stage: Female Voices of Asian Modernities, the first book-length study of women, modernity, and popular music in Asia (University of Hawai'i Press, 2017).
Click-to-release for immune cell activation
This work describes the use of click-to-release chemistry to get spatiotemporal control over immunocytokine activity. Until now, immunocytokines (cytokines coupled to a tumor-targeting-moiety) remained active throughout the body, being able to bind their respective receptors, causing mild to severe…
Surface-structure dependence of water-related adsorbates on platinum
Promotor: M.T.M. Koper, Co-promotor: J.B.F. Juurlink
Interaction of oxygen and carbon monoxide with Pt(111) at intermediate pressure and temperature: revisiting the fruit fly of surface science
Promotor: M.T.M. Koper, Co-promotors: A.I. Yanson, L.B.F. Juurlink
Discovery of antibiotics and their targets in multidrug-resistant bacteria
Global healthcare is on the verge of an antibiotic availability crisis as bacteria have evolved resistance to nearly all known antibacterials. Identifying new antibiotics that operate via novel modes-of-action is therefore of high priority.
The power of one qubit in quantum simulation algorithms
Quantum computing is an emerging technology, which holds the potential to simulate complex quantum systems beyond the reach of classical numerical methods.Despite recent formidable advancements in quantum hardware, constructing a quantum computer capable of performing useful calculations remains challenging.In…
The relation between dynamics and activity of phospholipase A/acyltransferase homologs
Phospholipase A/acyltransferase 3 (PLAAT3) and PLAAT4 are enzymes involved in the synthesis of bioactive lipids. Despite sequential and structural similarities, the two enzymes differ in activity and specificity.
Bestrijdingsmiddelen en Milieu
The book ‘Bestrijdingsmiddelen en Milieu' gives a transparent overview of facts and figures concerning pesticide use in the Netherlands and the impact of pesticides on the environment.
Kaiser Lentelezingen: Astrochemie
Conceptualisation of the Rule of Law in its External Relations: Case Studies on Development Cooperation and Enlargement
Op 26 juni 2019 verdedigde Lisa Louwerse haar proefschrift 'The EU’s Conceptualisation of the Rule of Law in its External Relations: Case Studies on Development Cooperation and Enlargement'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof. mr. C.A.P. Hillion.