Universiteit Leiden

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Webinar, Q&A, discussion

Connect & Retain: Data retention, active digital preservation an trustworthy digital archives - A myth buster talk

  • Micky Lindlar
dinsdag 11 februari 2025
De voertaal is Engels.

During Love Data Week, our Connect & event focuses on data retention and digital preservation. We are very pleased that Micky Lindlar of TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology agreed to speak to us about "Data retention, active digital preservation and trustworthy digital archives - A myth buster talk". 


“Your data is safe on our servers!”, “There are only a handful of file formats that are suitable for digital preservation!”, “No one really preserves data for longer than 10 years”, “Use this file format and you’re safe for eternity”, “Research data is so different from publication data – we have no idea where we should start!”. Have you ever heard any of these statements?  A lot of myths exist when it comes to the processes of data retention and digital preservation. How can you spot these myths? What should you know about data retention principles and active digital preservation processes? This talk will give an introduction into what data retention is, what problems data may face over the long-term (or from the start) and how active digital preservation can meet these problems. It will also highlight the role that frameworks for trustworthiness play for digital repositories and digital archives.

This session

This Connect & session takes place online and will last one hour. After the introduction presentation there will be time for questions and (informal) discussion. Everyone interested in thet topic is very welcome to join. If you are part of the Leiden University Research Data Management Community you will have received a calendar invite. If you are not on the contact list, you can register by filling out the form.

About the Connect & sessions

This event is part of the “Connect and …” series arranged by, and for, the Leiden University Research Data Management Community, on everything data management-related. The sessions take place every month at different days and times, so as to maximize access according to people’s different working hours, and are normally online. Topics and speakers are proposed by members of the Community. You can post a suggestion in the Community's MSTeams space, or write to datamanagement@library.leidenuniv.nl, if you have a topic you would like to discuss in a future meeting and the CDS team will help to make it happen.


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