1,311 zoekresultaten voor “active studies” in de Publieke website
Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences and Business Studies (MSc)
Deze opleiding biedt de mogelijkheid om top onderzoek te combineren met kennis over ondernemerschap en ervaring in het bedrijfsleven.
- Summer School: "Manuscript Studies: Codicology and Digital Techniques" (5 ECTS)
Leids Universitair Centrum voor de studie van Islam en Samenleving
Het Leids Universitair Centrum voor de studie van Islam en Samenleving (LUCIS) is een interfacultair kenniscentrum dat een multidisciplinaire en vergelijkende benadering van islam en moslimsamenlevingen bevordert.
Paula Esteves dos Santos Jordao
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
NMR structural studies of protein-small molecule interactions
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Ubbink, Co-promotor: G. Siegal
Trainingen D&I
De universiteit en faculteit bieden geregeld trainingen aan op het gebied van Diversiteit & Inclusie. Bekijk hier een overzicht van de actuele trainingen.
Studies on molecular basics of metabolic syndrome in zebrafish
The research described in this thesis has, using the zebrafish as a model system, shed new light on the intricate relationship between TB and DM2, in particular on the role of leptin, SHP-1 and glucocorticoids.
Chemical biology of sphingolipids: fundamental studies and clinical applications
Overkleeft Aerts
Geometry and Active Matter
Ali Shobeiri
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Hoe kies ik een studie die bij mij past?
Studies on the Pathogenesis of Chronic Kidney Disease
In this thesis, two potential therapeutic targets for diabetic nephropathy were dentified and investigated. First, we show that glomerular clusterin is upregulated in diabetic nephropathy and demonstrated that recombinant clusterin protein can protect the podocytes against oxidative stress in vitro.…
Computational and experimental studies of reactive intermediates in glycosylation reactions
Carbohydrates, or sugars, are the most diverse and most abundant biomolecules known. However, the isolation of carbohydrate samples in sufficient amounts and purity is often impractical or even impossible, so the chemical synthesis of glycosides becomes relevant. The glycosylation reaction, in which…
Surface plasmon lasers
Surface plasmons (SPs) are surface waves at the interface between a dielectric and a good metal, and are formed by the interaction between light and the free electrons at the metal-dielectric interface. They provide strong field confinement for optical fields, opening new possibilities for enhanced…
Some case studies of random walks in dynamic random environments
Promotor: Promotor: W.Th.F. den Hollander, Co-promotor: V. Sidoravicius.
Trainingen & Tools
Op deze pagina vind je een overzicht van de trainingen en tools die aangeboden worden voor FGGA-medewerkers.
Lena Riecke
Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
Maarten Kossmann
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Krijgsmacht. Studies over de organisatie en het optreden
De Nederlandse krijgsmacht is de afgelopen jaren op vele fronten veranderd. Letterlijk en figuurlijk. Deze uitgave brengt de laatste kennis en inzichten over het functioneren van dit belangrijke instituut bijeen. Een handboek voor praktijk, wetenschap en onderwijs.
Na je studie
Na de Academische Pabo kun je direct aan het werk in het basisonderwijs. Maar mocht je toe zijn aan meer verdieping, dan kun je ook nog een masteropleiding volgen.
Jeffrey Fynn-Paul
Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
An Online Corpus of UML design models: Construction and empirical studies
Promotores: J. Kok, M. Chaudron (Chalmers University)
Microbial communities in Pampa soils; impact of land use changes, soil type and climatic conditions
Promotor: J.A. van Veen, Co-promotor: E.E. Kuramae
Imaging complex model catalysts in action
From surface science towards industrial practice using high-pressure scanning tunneling microscopy.
Heterogenized molecular (pre)catalysts for water oxidation and oxygen reduction
Before the large scale use of renewable energy sources can be implemented in our society, the storage of electrical energy needs to be tackled. Storage the energy as hydrogen via the reduction of protons is a good option.
Chemical tools to monitor and control proteasome activities
Promotores: H.S. Overkleeft; G.A. van der Marel Co-Promotor: B.I. Florea
Regulation of actomyosin contraction as a driving force of invasive lobular breast cancer
In this thesis, we used genetically engineered mouse models and a variety of cell-culture based assays to identify genes and pathways that are involved in the development and treatment of invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC).
Biomimetic models of [NiFe] hydrogenase for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution
The growing demand of energy indicates that global energy resources in the form of fossil fuels will not be sufficient in the future. In order to solve potential future energy problems development of a sustainable hydrogen economy is highly desirable.
Direct and two-step activity-based profiling of proteases and glycosidases
Promotores: Prof.dr. H.S. Overkleeft, Prof.dr. G.A. van der Marel
Using insertional mutagenesis to identify breast cancer drivers and therapy resistance genes in mice
In this thesis, we used genetically engineered mouse models to identify genes and pathways that are involved in ILC formation and in the development of resistance to FGFR-targeted therapy.
Radio galaxies near the epoch of reionisation
This thesis explores the theoretical and observational properties of distant massive galaxies that harbour active black holes in their centres and shine brightly at radio wavelengths.
The Miliuseae revisited: phylogenetic, taxonomic, and palynological studies in a major clade of Annonaceae
Promotor: Prof.dr. E.F. Smets, Co-Promotor: L.W. Chatrou
Voor de studie en de sfeer naar de Bachelor Open Dag
Elektrische busjes rijden zaterdag af en aan. Ze brengen aankomende studenten naar de faculteiten van de Universiteit Leiden. Daar kunnen ze tijdens de Bachelor Open Dag zelf zien of de studie die hen zo leuk lijkt, ook echt bij ze past.
synthesis and application of paramagnetic probes for protein structure studies
The main subject of this thesis is the design and synthesis of paramagnetic molecules for protein studies with NMR and EPR spectroscopy.
Political Muslims: Understanding Youth Resistance in a Global Context
An interdisciplinary collection of the best international scholarship on Muslim youth.
Prying eyes on radio skies: pushing the high-resolution low-frequency frontier with LOFAR
In this thesis we push the boundaries of high-resolution imaging at radio frequencies between 100 and 200 MHz. Using the International LOFAR Telescope that spans across Europe we achieve sub-arcsecond angular resolution.
Studie-informatie van alle vakken
Ons onderwijsaanbod is breed en divers. Hieronder vindt u alle informatie over de vakken die door de afdeling Bedrijfswetenschappen worden verzorgd. Als u op een vak klikt, wordt u doorgeleid naar de studiegids.
Elizabeth Rodriguez Estrada
Faculteit Archeologie
for skin barrier repair : from ex vivo assessment towards clinical studies
The stratum corneum is the outermost skin layer and consists of dead cells embedded in a lipid matrix.
Studies of dust and gas in the interstellar medium of the Milky Way
Promotor: Prof.dr. A.G.G.M. Tielens
Postdoctoral Researcher in Ancient Near Eastern Studies (fixed term 2 years; 1,0 fte)
Geesteswetenschappen, Institute for Area Studies
Low-temperature spectroscopic studies of single molecules in 3-D and on 2-D hosts
Spectroscopic studies on fluorescent single molecules in organic condensed matter does not only provide information about the molecule itself, but also its near environment. By suppression of phonon-induced broadening of spectral lines through cooling to low temperatures, small changes in the spectral…
De geboorte van een studie
De nieuwste opleiding van Universiteit Leiden heet Urban Studies. Hoe gaat dat, het opzetten van een compleet nieuwe studie? De bedenkers aan het woord.
‘Suspect community or suspect category?‘, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Ragazzi, ‘Suspect community or suspect category?‘, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Studies in Tocharian verbal morphology relevant to the cladistic position of Tocharian in Indo-European
Op 24 september promoveert Louise S. Friis. Het Leiden University Centre for Linguistics feliciteert Louise!
Multi-omics studies of the control of growth and antibiotic production of Streptomyces
Actinobacteria are Gram-positive bacteria that have a complex multicellular life cycle and are well known for their ability to produce a wide range of bioactive natural products (NPs).
spFRET studies of nucleosome dynamics modulated by histone modifications, histone variants and neighboring nucleosomes
Promotor: Prof.dr. T. Schmidt, Co-Promotor: S.J.T. van Noort
Development of a Kidney-on-a-Chip Model for Compound Screening and Transport Studies
Pharmaceutical companies, governments and the general public have become increasingly aware that animal models used in drug testing lack vital aspects to serve as an accurate representation of human biology. As models of the human body should become more physiologically relevant, animal models no longer…
Medieval Studies en Early Modern Studies: nieuwe keuzetrajecten in de Master
Aan de Universiteit Leiden zijn ruim honderd specialisten werkzaam op het terrein van de Middeleeuwen en de Vroegmoderne Tijd. Met ingang van 2017-2018 bundelen zij hun krachten binnen twee keuzetrajecten – Medieval Studies en Early Modern Studies – beide te volgen vanuit bestaande masteropleidingen…
- Medieval and Early Modern Studies Spring School 2025: History of Emotions (5 ECTS)