407 zoekresultaten voor “austronesische takes” in de Publieke website
University Lecturer (UD) in Modern and Contemporary Visual Art (0.8 FTE)
Geesteswetenschappen, Centre for the Arts in Society
Two PhD Positions in Cultural Anthropology in project "Diversity Outdoors"
Sociale Wetenschappen, Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie
PhD Candidate in Theoretical Biology
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen, Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden (CML)
Vijf nieuwe leden Leiden University Teachers’ Academy
Vijf innovatieve en excellente docenten zijn toegetreden tot de Leiden University Teachers’ Academy. Leden van de Teachers’ Academy wisselen ervaringen uit, kunnen zich verder ontwikkelen en delen hun kennis en kunde met de rest van de universiteit.
Virtual NEIM (Nájera)
On 25 and 26 November 2021 the 18th International Meeting of the Middle Ages in Nájera will take place online. It is devoted to: "The Use of Social Space in the Late Medieval European Town". For more information, please consult: www.neim.unican.es.
Hybrid conference on animation in the Middle Ages
From 16 to 19 September 2021 a hybrid conference will take place on animation in the Middle Ages. This conference is a cooperation between the University of Bergen (Norway) and the A. Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw, Branch Campus in Bialystok (Poland).
CfP: Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Medieval Theology
On June 26-28, 2024, the Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Medieval Theology will take place. The theme this year is "The End: Finiteness, Death and Completion in Medieval Theology". Deadline for paper proposals: 20 December 2023.
Programme "His verbis exprime luctum" (Poitiers/Louvain, 26-29 November)
The programme for the conference "His verbis exprime luctum: Supports, style et usages de la poésie funéraire (IXe-XIIe siècles)" has been published. The conference takes place in Poitiers and Louvain from 26-29 November.
Symposium: The digital reconstruction of the crucifixion of the Lindau master
On 8 July, the symposium 'The digital reconstruction of the crucifixion of the Lindau master (ca. 1425)' will take place at the auditorium of Museum Catharijnecovent, from where it will also be broadcasted online.
Dates 'Foundations 1' available
'Foundations 1' takes place on 1-3 March. Do you want to learn more about different types of sources and methods for source analysis in the Dominican convent in Huissen? Register now by sending an email to ozsmed@hum.leidenuniv.nl!
Lecture: Animals and Robots in the Late Medieval Garden of Eden
As part of the lecture series 'Religion Matters', Sven Gins (RUG) will speak about moving statues and other ingenuous devices in late medieval France. The lecture will take place on Wednesday, March 13, 17:00-18:00.
Summer School Writing global medieval history: comparative and connected approaches - September 6-8, Turin
Fondazione 1563 launched a call for the Summer School of the Turin Humanities Programme, that will take place in Torino from September 6 to September 8 2023. The theme is: Writing global medieval history: comparative and connected approaches. Deadline for applications: June 25.
Summer School 2024: ‘The Origins of Archives’ (18-20 June 2024)
The Huizinga Institute research network “Archives of Power/The Power of Archives” will offer an interdisciplinary summer school on the various and complex origin stories of archives. The summer school will take place at the University of Amsterdam from 18 to 20 June 2024.
Call for Papers: Embodied Preaching: Multisensorial Preaching Performances in Medieval Europe - Padova, October 24-25
The ERC project SenSArt (University of Padova) is organizing a conference on multisensorial preaching practices in Medieval Europe. The conference will take place on October 24 to 25. Those interested are encouraged to submit a paper proposal before April 5.
Call for applications: Diplôme européen d'études médiévales
The European Diploma in Medieval Studies (DEEM) invites students to apply to their programme, which takes place at the Norwegian Institute in Rome, with options for partial online attendance. The DEEM provides advanced academic training for students and scholars specialising in Medieval Studies, including…
Last call autumn school (Ghent)
This is the final call for candidates (research master students, PhD students, and postdocs) to participate in the 2021 Autumn School, entitled "Scales of Knowledge. From Cosmos to Book", which will take place online from 18 until 22 October 2021.
PhD position (Prague, Charles University)
New Ph.D. programme implemented in collaboration between the Institute of Greek and Latin Studies of the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University and the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Application deadline is 30 April 2021, admission examinations take place on 14-16 June…
Master classes Maribel Fierro
In April, Al-Babtain visiting professor Maribel Fierro will teach four masterclasses at Leiden University on "Culture and society in the medieval Islamic west: The process of Islamization". These masterclasses will take place online and are open to all students. Registration deadline: 28 March 2021.
Conference: "Senses, Cognition, and the Body" (Padova, 5-7 June)
From 5 to 7 June, the conference "The Senses, Cognition, and the Body in Medieval Devotional Practices" will take place at the University of Padova. The conference programme can be found below. The conference can be attended virtually through the registration link below.
‘Brits handelsakkoord met de VS krijgt een stevig prijskaartje’
De Britse regering heeft te hoge verwachtingen van de Amerikaanse hulp na de Brexit: aan een mogelijk handelsakkoord met de Verenigde Staten hangt waarschijnlijk een stevig prijskaartje. Dat zegt universitair docent Joris Larik in De Volkskrant naar aanleiding van het bezoek van de Amerikaanse president…
Gamal Adel Elgamal
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Onderwijsinnovatie Hub
Sinds de oprichting is LUC een college voor onderwijsontwikkeling en experimentatie. In de missie van het college wordt LUC beschreven als "een plek van innovatie op het gebied van didactiek, curriculumontwerp en studentwelzijn." Deze visie wordt toegepast via een studentgerichte benadering in het onderwijs…
CFP Conference (Rome)
From 26 until 28 January 2022 an international conference will take place in Rome, entitled: "The Responsible Society in Early Modern Christianity". The conference aims to center on the question how the topic of social responsibility was dealt with in Early Modern Christianity (ca.1400-ca.1700). The…
Masterclass: Religious Imagination in the Late Medieval Low Countries
On January 19, a masterclass on the theme of religious imagination will take place in the Lorentz Center in Leiden. This masterclass for MA and PhD students will focus on the religious imagination as a spiritual skill in the late medieval Low Countries, and the role of religious texts, images, and objects…
KNIR Workshop
Lodi Nauta (RUG) organizes a workshop, titled "Humanist and Scholastic Roots of Early Modern Philosophy (1400-1700)" at the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome. It will take place from 19 until 24 April 2022 and it is open to maximum 15 students in philosophy or intellectual history at (R)MA or PhD-level.…
Conference "Medieval Fragmentology and the Fragmented Old English Glossed N-Psalter" (Alkmaar, 4-5 September)
Leiden University and the University of Warsaw organize a two-day conference on medieval fragmentology, with a special focus on the so-called N-Psalter. The conference will take place in the Regional Archive in Alkmaar. ReMA students can obtain 1-2 ECTS by attending the conference and completing an…
CfP PASSIM Conference (Rome)
On 17-20 October 2023, the ERC-funded project PASSIM (Patristic Sermons in the Middle Ages), based at Radboud University Nijmegen, will organise an international conference on the medieval reception and transmission of patristic sermons and the collections in which they are compiled. The conference…
Interview Prof. em. Wim Blockmans
Prof. em. Wim Blockmans (Leiden University) has given an interview to ‘De Nieuwe Wereld’ (in Dutch). He talks about his latest book 'Medezeggenschap. Politieke participatie in Europa vóór 1800'. Take also a look at the YouTube channel of this Dutch philosophy collective as other videos feature medievalists…
Project presentation: (Re)Counting the Uncounted (16 October)
On Wednesday 16 October 2024 the project ‘(Re)counting the Uncounted. Replication and Contextualisation of Dutch and Belgian Premodern Population Estimates (1350-1800)’ will take place at the International Institute of Social History (Cruquiusweg 31, Amsterdam). The project presentation is preceded…
CfP: Waterways and Literary Channels of the Premodern World (Ghent University, 4-5 April 2024)
On 4 and 5 April 2024, the conference "Waterways and Literary Channels of the Premodern World" will take place at Ghent University. The conference is organized within the framework of the Scientific Research Network "Literatures without Borders". Proposals for 20-minute papers, round-table contributions…
New lecture series (Nijmegen)
The chair of Ancient and Medieval History at Radboud University Nijmegen is organizing a new lecture series. In the RAM-lectures, a great variety of scholars in the fields of Antiquity and the Middle Ages will discuss their research. Students, PhD’s and staff are most welcome to attend. The lectures…
Voces - Call for papers
The conference cycle Voces. Latin Middle Ages through Key Words, co-organised by the IRHT (CNRS) and Institute of Polish Language (PAS) aims to take a closer look at Latin words that have played an important role in the medieval culture. This year's edition focuses on the concepts of FEAST, CELEBRATION…
Oxford Byzantine Graduate Seminar
The Oxford Byzantine Graduate Seminar is designed to showcase the breadth of graduate research in modern Late Antique and Byzantine Studies and to foster academic collaboration across institutions and sub-disciplines. The Seminar takes place weekly on Mondays at 12.30-14.00 (UK time), via Zoom. The…
Conference: the Plurality of Early Modern Media: 21st-Century Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Research in the Humanities
On January 8 and 9, a conference will take place at Leiden University, titled: "The Plurality of Early Modern Media: 21st-Century Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Research in the Humanities". This conference marks the 25 years anniversary of the Intersections series (published by Brill) and reflects…
E-workshops - Call for proposals
The NWO-funded research project ‘The Multilingual Dynamics of the Literary Culture of Medieval Flanders, c. 1200- c. 1500’ invites proposals for informal papers for a series of six e-workshops on the topic of ‘Multilingual Literary Cultures in the Middle Ages’. The e-workshops will take place in April…
Annual meeting Byzantine Studies Netherlands
On Friday 13 December, the annual meeting of Byzantine Studies Netherlands will take place at the University of Amsterdam.
Workshop: ”Ecclesia / Iustitia. Spirituality and Criminal Justice in Late Medieval Europe (ca. 1200-1500)” (NIKI)
On May 30 and 31, a workshop will take place at the Dutch Art Historical Institute in Florence (NIKI). This workshop aims to further our understanding of how late medieval societies reconciled the partially contradictory ideals and expectations of Ecclesia and Iustitia at a collective and individual…
Summer School ISCAL 5
The Summer School on Christian Apocryphal Literature 2022 hosts students at graduate and post-graduate level (MA students, PhD students, postdoctoral researchers) to study current directions in the study of Christian apocryphal Literature. It takes place in Strasbourg from 30 May until 2 June 2022.…
Conference: Patristic Sermons in the Middle Ages: Collections, Mediators and the Practice of Compiling (KNIR, 17-20 October)
From October 17 to October 20, the international conference "Patristic Sermons in the Middle Ages: Collections, Mediators and the Practice of Compiling" will take place at the Dutch Royal Institute in Rome. Research Master students can obtain 2 ECTS by participating in this conference an an additional…
CfP - IGTM Workshop
The IGTM workshop "Rules, Regulations, and Regimes in Medieval Religion" (21 June 2023) for graduate students and junior scholars, in which early career scholars have the opportunity to discuss their research with peers and senior referents in an informal setting, takes the 800th anniversary of the…
Diploma uitreiking MIRD 2021
Op vrijdag 9 juli 2021 vond de diploma-uitreiking plaats van het tweejarig programma MSc International Relations and Diplomacy (Advanced). De ceremonie werd geopend door Prof. Madeleine Hosli.
Molecular mystery in space
The space between the stars isn't simply a void; it also contains substances such as methanol and carbon dioxide. So far, chemical theories have been unable to explain how these substances originate under circumstances that should make it impossible. Fedor Goumans has been awarded a Veni subsidy to…
Universiteit Leiden als inspiratiebron voor nieuwe masteropleiding Kunstmatige Intelligentie en Data Science
In Thailand, Indonesië en Sri Lanka is er een dringende behoefte aan het ontwikkelen van geschikte onderwijsprogramma's om vaardigheden op het gebied van Data Science en Kunstmatige Intelligentie op te bouwen. Van 11 tot en met 15 november kwamen Europese en Aziatische experts op het gebied van onderwijs…
LIACS onderdeel van Horizon 2020 project over social media analytics
Het Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science is vanaf januari 2019 onderdeel van het RISE_SMA project. Bij dit Europese project zullen 6 universiteiten zich samen met bedrijven, overheden en NGO’s inzetten om inzicht te krijgen in social media data tijdens crisissituaties. De kick-offmeeting vond…
Maar liefst vier W&N-docenten behalen SKO-certificaat
Van de vijftien Senior Kwalificatie Onderwijs-certificaten (SKO) die de universiteit dit jaar uitreikte, gaan er maar liefst vier naar de Faculteit Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen. Met felicitaties van rector Hester Bijl krijgen de gedreven docenten het certificaat voor hun bijzondere inzet, vaardigheden…
Opinie: Op de wereldtop over AI bleef het echte probleem onbesproken
De eerste wereldtop over Artificiële Intelligentie is een feit. Premier Sunak organiseerde die conferentie, omdat hij van mening is dat de problemen rondom AI alleen door overheden aangepakt kunnen worden. Maar de echte problemen rondom AI bleven op deze wereldtop onbesproken, betoogt Reijer Passchier…
Digitale infrastructuur voor onderzoek naar het sociale netwerk van de gehele Nederlandse bevolking
Een interdisciplinair consortium van Universiteit Leiden, de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA) en het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) ontvangt 1 miljoen euro voor de aanleg van een open digitale infrastructuur voor netwerkanalyse van de gehele Nederlandse bevolking. Dit stelt wetenschappers…
Journalisten, online media professionals en onderzoekers komen samen voor de tweede editie van MISDOOM
Met meer dan 200 deelnemers was de eerste dag van het Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media (MISDOOM) een groot succes. Met onderzoekers en professionals uit de communicatiewetenschap, mediastudies, computerwetenschappen, datawetenschappen en journalisten en…
Maartje Draak Seminars (Utrecht, 27-28 June)
By virtue of the legacy of prof. Maartje Draak, which is administered by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Celtic Studies section of Utrecht University is able to organise the Maartje Draak Seminars in which international Celticists visit Utrecht for intensive workshops and sem…
Leiden Complex Networks Network day on 23 September
On Friday 23 September 2016 the Leiden Complex Networks Network day, the LCN2 day, will take place in Leiden.