942 zoekresultaten voor “C Gerry and P Knight Introductory Quantum Optics” in de Publieke website
Galois representations of elliptic curves and abelian entanglements
Prof.dr. P. Stevenhagen, Prof.dr. K. Belabas (Universite Bordeaux I)
Design, implementation and evaluation of transnational collaborative programmes in astronomy education and public outreach
Promotores: Prof.dr. G. Miley & Prof.dr. J.M. van den Broek
Orion's Dragon and Other Stories
Stellar feedback is a crucial ingredient in the evolution of galaxies.
Crime victims and the police
Op 1 februari 2018 verdedigde Nathalie-Sharon Koster haar proefschrift getiteld ‘Crime victims and the police’. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof. dr. J.P. van der Leun en dr. mr. M.J.J. Kunst.
Molecular and Nano-Engineering with Iron, Ruthenium and Carbon: Hybrid structures for Sensing
Metal complexes and 2D materials like graphene were combined to produce structures that can function as sensors.
A computational study of structural and excitonic properties of chlorosomes
The long-held desire - to link structure directly to function and to explain molecular mechanisms based on basic chemical or physical principles - is finally coming closer, satisfying not only our scientific curiosity but also offering new solutions to the many challenges in the field of health, energy…
Systematics and biogeography of the rattan Calamus javensis complex (Arecaceae, Calamoideae) in Malesia
Calamus javensis is polymorphic. Morphometry and molecular approach resulted in all names used in the complex are regarded as synonyms of C. javensis except C. tenompokensis, which is retained as a distinct species. One variety is here recognized, C. javensis var. polyphyllus (including C. acuminatu…
Metabolic signatures in nutrition and health: short-term diet response, sexual dimorphism and hormone chronobiology
The power of personalized nutrition lies in being able to conduct clinical research on healthy people while capturing metabolic markers sensitive to the impact of environmental and metabolic stressors (e.g. diet, changing sex hormones and the menstrual cycle).
Discovery and development of inhibitors selective for human constitutive proteasome and immunoproteasome active sites
This thesis describes the design and development of subunit‐selective inhibitors of particular catalytically active subunits of human constitutive proteasomes and immunoproteasomes.
Voormalig WD natuurkunde blijft actief. ‘Dankzij deze rol blijf ik deel uitmaken van de toekomst.’
Hij was jarenlang actief in verschillende managementfuncties bij het LION en ook na zijn pensioen is hij nog zeer betrokken. Hoogleraar Jan Aarts leidt de Leidse hub van het groeifonds Quantum Delta NL en is nu tijdelijk verantwoordelijk voor de landelijke onderwijsactiviteiten. Zo bouwt hij mee aan…
Breaking & Entering: PAH photodissociation and top-down chemistry
Laboratory, observation and modeling work on the dissociation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in interstellar environments and the formation of new molecular species through the fragmentation process.
d interplay between local three- dimensional chromatin architecture and gene expression
Nucleoid associated proteins maintain the architecture of the bacterial chromosome and regulate gene expression, hinting that their role as transcription factors may involve local three-dimensional chromosome re-modelling.
Nederland wil internationaal centrum quantumtechnologie worden
Uit handen van Robbert Dijkgraaf ontving staatssecretaris Mona Keijzer op de vooravond van Prinsjesdag de Nationale Agenda Quantum Technologie. Met deze agenda willen Nederlandse kennisinstellingen en bedrijven de Nederlandse voortrekkersrol op dit gebied behouden en versterken. Onderzoekers van de…
The music of language: exploring grammar, prosody and rhythm perception in zebra finches and budgerigars
Promotor: C.J. ten Cate
Macrophage activation and cholesterol in atherosclerosis development
Promotores:Th.J.C. van Berkel, M. van Eck
Environmental and health impact of informal e-waste recycling
The majority (80%) of e-waste generated globally are recycled informally in developing countries.
Quantifying nucleosome dynamicsand protein binding with PIE-FCCS and spFRET
In this thesis I describe the results of Pulsed Interleaved Excitation and Fluorescence (Cross) Correlation Spectroscopy (PIE-F(C)CS) combined with single-pair Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (spFRET) used to study dynamics in single nucleosomes, which depends on subtle differences in the length of…
Stereoelectronic and conformational effects in oxocarbenium, iminium and iminosugar ammonium ions
Promotor: G.A. van der Marel, Co-promotor: J.D.C. Codée
Comparative biology of common and grey seals along the Dutch coast : stranding, disease, rehabilitation and conservation
Promotores: H.A. Udo De Haes, P.M. Brakefield
Quantum & Society Research Colloquium Serie: 'Quantum voor middelbare scholieren en docenten'
Origami metamaterials : design, symmetries, and combinatorics
In the first part of this thesis we study the geometry of folding patterns.
Chemical Similarity: Structuring Risk and Hazard Assessment
At the moment, over 350.000 chemicals are registered worldwide for production and use. Their application, however, may harm human health and the environment.
Towards circular and energy-efficient management of building stock
Material circularity and energy efficiency are highly relevant and intertwined issues for the transition towards a carbon-neutral and circular built environment. In the Netherlands, the building sector has been rendered a priority towards a circular and low-carbon society.
On the 16-rank of class groups of quadratic number fields
Promotores: P. Stevenhagen, E. Fouvry (Univeriste Paris Saclay)
Publicatie: Vernacular Books and Their Readers in the Early Age of Print (c. 1450–1600)
The volume Vernacular Books and Their Readers in the Early Age of Print (c. 1450–1600), edited by Anna Dlabačová (Leiden University), Andrea van Leerdam (Utrecht University), and John Thompson (Queen’s University, Belfast), explores approaches to study vernacular books and reading practices across Europe…
Mersennepriemen bij DWDD en P&W
Op 6 februari waren Hendrik Lenstra en Bas Jansen te gast bij De Wereld Draait Door om uitleg te geven over de ontdekking van de nieuwe Mersennepriem. Ionica Smeets schoof aan bij Pauw en Witteman.
Innate immune modulation in atherosclerosis and vascular
Promotores: Prof.dr. J. Kuiper, Prof.dr. P.H.A. Quax, Co-promotor: I. Bot
Smart Industrial Parks in China: towards Joint Design and Institutionalization
How to contribute to a quantum leap of eco-industrial symbiosis in China?
Samen naar een quantumtoekomst
De tweede quantumrevolutie is in volle gang met allerlei nieuwe technologieën die binnen handbereik komen. Dat biedt veel kansen, maar ook uitdagingen. Leiden en Delft slaan daarom de handen ineen.
Natural and non-natural factors influencing Alzheimer´s Aβ
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.P. Abrahams
Data Centres for Natural Recources and Products
Creating information portals for support of European environmental policy.
Noisy Patterns: Bridging the gap between stochastics and dynamics
In this thesis, we study travelling waves in stochastic reaction-diffusion equations. We extend techniques from the deterministic theory for travelling waves to apply to the stochastic version, which allows us to compute the stochastic wave speed and shape, and draw conclusions on the stability of the…
Isogeny graphs, modular polynomials, and applications
This thesis has three main parts. The first part gives an algorithm to compute Hilbert modular polynomials for ordinary abelian varieties with maximal real multiplication. Hilbert modular polynomials of a given level b give a way of finding all of the abelian varieties that are b-isogeneous to any given…
Law in its External Relations: Case Studies on Development Cooperation and Enlargement
Op 26 juni 2019 verdedigde Lisa Louwerse haar proefschrift 'The EU’s Conceptualisation of the Rule of Law in its External Relations: Case Studies on Development Cooperation and Enlargement'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof. mr. C.A.P. Hillion.
In herinnering Prof. mr. P.J. Dortmond (1944-2021)
Op 20 mei 2021 is overleden Prof. (em.) mr. P. (Peter) J. Dortmond. Peter Dortmond was in de jaren 1999-2008 hoogleraar Ondernemingsrecht aan de juridische faculteit in Leiden.
Coherent Privaatrecht
Is het privaatrecht klaar voor de uitdagingen van deze tijd?
Kan een mens, net als een quantumdeeltje, op twee plekken tegelijk zijn?
Waarom gedraagt de natuurkunde op de allerkleinste schaal zich anders dan we gewend zijn in het normale leven? Dat is een vraag waar quantumfysici zich mee bezighouden. Hoogleraar Carlo Beenakker licht in de Volkskrant toe dat de wetten van de quantummechanica niet alleen gelden voor de kleinste deeltjes,…
Classical and paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy applied to different protein systems
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Ubbink
Galaxy formation and the structure of the Universe
Promotores: Prof.dr. J. Schaye, Prof.dr. S.D.M. White (MPA Garching)
The Interactions of Human Mobility and Farming Systems and Impacts on Biodiversity and Soil Quality in the Western Highlands of Cameroon
Promotors: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo, Prof.dr. G.A. Persoon, Prof.dr.ir. H.H. de Iongh
The Open Society and Its Animals
Op 10 oktober 2019 verdedigde Janneke Vink haar proefschrift 'The Open Society and Its Animals'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof.dr. P.B. Cliteur.
- Today’s experimental quantum research at Leiden University: from the microscopic to the macroscopic
The synthesis of mannose-derived bioconjugates and enzyme inhibitors
Promotores: H.S. Overkleeft, G.A. van der Marel, Co-Promotor: J.D.C. Codee
Lowlandsbezoekers gaan wetenschappers meer leren over quantummechanica
Goldband, Skrillex, Róisín Murphy en … quantum: die laatste is niet de naam van een band, maar ze behoort wel degelijk tot de line up van Lowlands. Wetenschappers van de Universiteit Leiden gebruiken het festival om onderzoek te doen naar de allerkleinste deeltjes.
MAGL modulators: structure-guided optimisation and characterisation
The aim of the research described in this thesis was to use structure-based design to optimise multiple properties of aryl sulfoxide monoacylglycerol lipase inhibitors as anti-inflammatory analgesics.
Functional analysis of Dof transcription factors controlling heading date and PPDK gene expression in rice
Promotor: P.J.J. Hooykaas, Co-Promotores: P.B.F. Ouwerkerk, M. Wang
Non-linear astrochemical kinetics: theory and applications
This Thesis shows discoveries in non-linear astrochemical kinetics as well as a deeper analysis of dark clouds chemistry.
Conductance and gating effects at sputtered oxide interfaces
This thesis explores interfacial conductance and electric field-effects in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures.
Interactions of nutrients and pesticides and their effects on aquatic macrofauna
Can we distinguish the effects of pesticides from other abiotic and biotic factors that occur in the field? And how do these factors interact with pesticides?
Global Fields and Their L-functions
Artin L-functions associated to continuous representations of the absolute Galois group G_K of a global field K capture a lot of information about G_K as well as arithmetic properties of K.