703 zoekresultaten voor “neuro cognitive functions” in de Publieke website
In dit interdisciplinaire onderzoeksprogramma werken onderzoekers uit vijf verschillende disciplines met elkaar samen. Zij stellen zich hieronder (in het Engels) aan u voor.
Jennifer Becker
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Diophantine equations in positive characteristic
In this thesis three different topics in number theory are studied.
Cardiometabolic determinants of cognitive function in later life
Beter hersenonderzoek dankzij interdisciplinaire aanpak
Hoe kunnen praktijk en theorie elkaar versterken in de neurowetenschappen? Hoogleraar Birte Forstmann spreekt in haar oratie op 2 oktober over het bouwen van interdisciplinaire bruggen tussen cognitieve neurowetenschap en cognitieve modellen. Haar aanpak kan bijdragen aan hersenonderzoek met minder…
Stochastic and Deterministic Algorithms for Continuous Black-Box Optimization
Continuous optimization is never easy: the exact solution is always a luxury demand and the theory of it is not always analytical and elegant.
Development of human skin equivalents to unravel the impaired skin barrier in atopic dermatitis skin
Promotor: J.A. Bouwstra Co-promotor: A. El Ghalbzouri
Meeloopdag - Research: Cognitive Neuroscience
Meeloopdag - Research: Cognitive Neuroscience
Meeloopdag - Applied Cognitive Psychology
Systematic investigations into the role of ceramide subclass composition on lipid organization and skin barrier
The lipids in the uppermost layer of the skin, the stratum corneum (SC), play an important role in the skin barrier function. The three main SC lipid classes are ceramides (CER), cholesterol and free fatty acids.
Het brein verbeteren om optimaal te functioneren
Hersenstimulatie en voedingssupplementen zoals tyrosine of tryptofaan lijken veelbelovende opties om de cognitieve prestaties te verbeteren. Dat constateert psycholoog Laura Steenbergen. Maar ze stelt ook dat er meer onderzoek nodig is. Promotie op 16 juni.
Me, My Fiends, and I
A neuro-ecological perspective on adolescent prosocial development
Lorenza Colzato hoofdredacteur nieuw wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
Hoe kunnen mensen hun prestaties verbeteren en hun creatieve potentieel benutten? Dat is het onderwerp van het nieuwe Journal of Cognitive Enhancement. Dit interdisciplinaire wetenschappelijke tijdschrift is een initiatief van de Leidse psycholoog Lorenza Colzato. Eerste publicatie maart 2017.
De sectie Cognitieve Psychologie draagt bij aan de 3-jarige bacheloropleiding en verzorgt 2 masterspecialisaties.
Vernieuwde MRI-scanner gereed voor gebruik
Het Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC) neemt op 29 september de vernieuwde MRI-scanner in gebruik. Het apparaat is sneller en beter dan de huidige opstelling.
Meeloopdag - Applied Cognitive Psychology (MSc Psychology)
REACT Onderzoek
Het doel van het REACT Onderzoek is om te onderzoeken of ontstekingsreacties en/of neuro-immuunreacties op stress bij een steekproef van adolescenten met een negatieve jeugdervaring voorspellend zijn voor: de perceptie van stress, sociaal gedrag en algemene mentale en fysieke gezondheid tijdens en na…
Applied Neuroscience in Human Development (MSc)
Voor wie geïnteresseerd is in de relatie tussen neuro-cognitieve en biologische factoren enerzijds en leren, gedrag en emoties anderzijds.
Neonicotinoids in nature: The effects on aquatic invertebrates and their role in ecosystems
This thesis describes the role of pollution, specifically neonicotinoid insecticides, as an actor of the ongoing biodiversity decline.
- Publicaties
Het bestuur van het LUBEC bestaat uit de Raad van Toezicht, de Raad van Bestuur en het Managementteam.
Credible sets in nonparametric regression
Promotor: Prof.dr. A.W. van der Vaart
The flexible listener: exploring zebra finch sensitivity to spectral and temporal sound features
Human vocal communication and music perception represent advanced cognitive skills, seemingly innate and universal. These faculties encompass a range of perceptual and cognitive abilities. Cross-species research sheds light on the origins of musicality by investigating whether these traits are shared…
Student Aline-Priscillia: ‘Ik ben een vreemde wetenschapper, ik hecht niet zo aan uitkomsten’
In de nieuwe videoreeks ‘De wereld van taalwetenschap’ vertellen alumni en wetenschappers over hun passie voor hun vakgebied. Student Aline-Priscillia is vooral benieuwd hoe taal wordt verwerkt in de hersenen.
Julian Steinke
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Investigations on the role of impaired lysosomes of macrophages in disease
The research described in this thesis combines the latest insights in lysosomal function with lysosome centred cell signalling.
Lipid model membrane systems as a tool for unraveling the underlying factors for skin barrier dysfunction
Barrier function is the natural role of the skin. The lipid matrix present in the outermost layer of the skin, the stratum corneum is important for this function.
Molecular and Nano-Engineering with Iron, Ruthenium and Carbon: Hybrid structures for Sensing
Metal complexes and 2D materials like graphene were combined to produce structures that can function as sensors.
Nano shapes micro : Impacts of metallic nanoparticles on microbial communities
This thesis aimed to investigate the impact of exposure dynamics, relative contributions of ENPs(particle) and ENPs(ion), and dosing regimens on the toxicity of ENPs varying in different physico-chemical properties, on the composition and functioning of soil microbial communities.
Optimally weighted ensembles of surrogate models for sequential parameter optimization
It is a common technique in global optimization with expensive black-box functions to learn a surrogate-model of the response function from past evaluations and use it to decide on the location of future evaluations.
Multi-Objective Bayesian Global Optimization for Continuous Problems and Applications
A common method to solve expensive function evaluation problem is using Bayesian Global Optimization, instead of Evolutionary Algorithms.
Efficient constraint multi-objective optimization with applications in ship design
Constraint multi-objective optimization with a limited budget for function evaluations is challenging. This thesis tackles this problem by proposing new optimization algorithms. These algorithms are applied on holistic ship design problems. This helps naval architects balance objectives like cost, efficiency,…
Publiekssymposium over de voordelen van onzekerheid
Het Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC) houdt op 4 november het publiekssymposium ‘Onzekere tijden: struikelblok of springplank?’, dat de positieve kant van onzekerheid belicht. De bijeenkomst vindt plaats in de Stadsgehoorzaal in Leiden.
The synthesis of chemical tools for studying sphingolipid metabolism
Sphingolipids are important membrane compounds with a variety of functions. In mammalian cells, different enzymes are involved in the metabolism of sphingolipids, but interruption of this metabolism process leads to different diseases.
'Baseer onderwijsmethoden op empirisch bewijs, niet op gevoel'
A computational study of structural and excitonic properties of chlorosomes
The long-held desire - to link structure directly to function and to explain molecular mechanisms based on basic chemical or physical principles - is finally coming closer, satisfying not only our scientific curiosity but also offering new solutions to the many challenges in the field of health, energy…
Structural Properties of Single Server Queueing Systems: Efficient Methods via Lumping and Dynamic Programming
This thesis consists of two main parts. The first part (Chapters 2 and 3) deals with a class of Markov process called Quasi-Skipfree (QSF) processes.
The activation mechanisms of G protein-coupled receptors: the case of the adenosine A2B and HCA2/3 receptors
Promotor: A.P. IJzerman
Cognitive Mechanism of Conformity
- Psychology (research) (MSc)
- Prof.dr. Ineke van der Ham
Cognitieve Psychologie
Cognitieve psychologie is de studie van mentale functies, waaronder aandacht, geheugen, bewustzijn, emotie, taal en actiecontrole. Het doel is om de complexe relaties tussen brein, cognitie en gedrag te begrijpen.
Aspects of Record Linkage
Promotores: Prof.dr. J.N. Kok, Prof.dr. C.A. Mandemakers, Co-Promotor: G. Bloothooft
Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions and vector-valued integration
Promotor: W. T. F. den Hollander, F. H. J. Redig
A Model Membrane Approach to Elucidate the Molecular Organization in the Skin Barrier
Promotor: J. A. Bouwstra
Human skin equivalents for atopic dermatitis: investigating the role of filaggrin in the skin barrier
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.A. Bouwstra, Co-promotor: A. El Ghalbzouri
Regulation of autophagy-related mechanisms during bacterial infection
Autophagy is a fundamental degradative process, maintaining cellular homeostasis and functions in host defense against intracellular pathogens, including mycobacteria and Salmonella.
Insights into microtubule catastrophes: the effect of end-binding proteins and force
For each living organism health is ensured by correct functioning of its cells. Cells therefore have elaborate methods for regulation of their proteins.
Computational optimisation of optical projection tomography for 3D image analysis
Optical projection tomography (OPT) is a tomographic 3D imaging technique used for specimens in the millimetre scale.