407 zoekresultaten voor “austronesische takes” in de Publieke website
Substrate adaptability of β-lactamase
The research aims to explore the evolutionary adaptability of enzymes and the impact of temperature on protein evolution pathways, using M. tuberculosis β-lactamase BlaC as the object of study. Enzymes inherently embody a delicate balance between activity and stability, and the acquisition of new enzymatic…
The stochastic geometry of non-Gaussian fields
Promotor: V. Vitelli, Co-promotor: J. Paulose
Click-to-release for immune cell activation
This work describes the use of click-to-release chemistry to get spatiotemporal control over immunocytokine activity. Until now, immunocytokines (cytokines coupled to a tumor-targeting-moiety) remained active throughout the body, being able to bind their respective receptors, causing mild to severe…
Platinum surface instabilities and their impact in electrochemistry
Hydrogen fuel cells are expected to be pivotal in the energetic transition towards renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. However, their industrial scalability is severely hindered by the high cost and degradation rate of platinum catalysts, one of their key components. Addressing this…
Criminaliteit voorspellen in forumnetwerken op het dark web
In dit project gebruiken we sociale netwerkanalyse om het gedrag van gebruikers op online fora en bijbehorende marktplaatsen in de tijd te analyseren.
RAISE Onderzoek
Het doel van het RAISE Onderzoek is om te onderzoeken hoe veerkrachtige mensen omgaan met stress. We kijken specifiek naar hoe belangrijke biologische systemen, zoals de HPA-as en het immuunsysteem, samenwerken met de hersenen en de sociale omgeving om veerkrachtig functioneren na moeilijkheden in de…
On the geometry of fracture and frustration
Promotor: Prof.dr. M.L. van Hecke, Co-Promotor: V. Vitelli
Motivic invariants of character stacks
This thesis studies the geometry of representation varieties and character stacks. These are spaces parametrizing the representations of a finitely generated group, typically the fundamental group of a compact manifold, into an algebraic group G.
The structure of the dusty cores of active galactic nuclei
Promotor: W. Jaffe, Co-promotor: K. Meisenheimer
Inextricable ties between chemical complexity and dynamics of embedded protostellar regions
Promotor: E. F. van Dishoeck, Co-promotor: C. Walsh
Algorithms for analyzing and mining real-world graphs
Promotor: Prof.dr. J.N. Kok, Co-Promotor: W.A. Kosters
Exploring charge transport properties and functionality of molecule-nanoparticle ensembles
Promotor: J.M. van Ruitenbeek, Co-Promotor: S.J. van der Molen
On the Power Efficiency, Low latency, and Quality of Service in Network-on-Chip
In multi/many-core System-on-Chips (SoCs), the performance is almost linearly scaling with the number of processing elements.
Elk jaar reikt het Leids Universitair Studentenplatform (LUS) de Leidse Onderwijsprijs uit.
- English Language Assessment for BA and MA students
Proefstuderen Informatica
Workshop The Art of Journaling
Kunst en vrije tijd, Kunst en vrije tijd
- Position paper: Impact of COVID-19 on Young Academics
- Position paper: Impact of COVID-19 on Young Academics
Just Public Algorithmic Systems – What does it take?
Non-take-up of social support and the implications for social policies
This dissertation takes an important step in understanding the phenomenon of non-take-up of social support and what it means for contemporary social policies.
The Monetary Valuation of Water-related Ecosystem Services
While ecosystems have concrete benefits for human society, these benefits are typically overlooked in decision-making.
Mechanisms and consequences of horizontal gene transfer in cell wall-deficient cells of Kitasatospora viridifaciens
The bacterial cell wall is a nearly universal structure that offers protection and gives the cell its shape. However, environmental stressors, such as cell wall-targeting antibiotics and hyperosmotic conditions, can induce bacteria to shift to a wall-deficient state. It is unknown whether the lack of…
High-Contrast Imaging of Protoplanetary Disks
To study how planetary systems come into existence we study much younger systems still in formation.
Predicting the future: Predictive control for astronomical adaptive optics
The field of exoplanet research is rapidly advancing through the development of new technology, observing techniques, and post-processing methods.
Algorithms for finite rings
Promotores: H.W. Lenstra, K. Belabas (University of Bordeaux)
Discovering the preference hypervolume: an interactive model for real world computational co-creativity
In this thesis it is posed that the central object of preference discovery is a co-creative process in which the Other can be represented by a machine. It explores efficient methods to enhance introverted intuition using extraverted intuition's communication lines.
ALL-IN meta-analysis
Science is typically a patchwork of research contributions without much coordination. Especially in clinical trials, the follow-up studies that we do fail to be the most promising.
Data-Driven Risk Assessment in Infrastructure Networks
Leiden University and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management are involved in a collaboration in the form of a research project titled 'Data-Driven Risk Assessment in Infrastructure Networks'
In het academisch jaar 2023-2024 biedt het interdisciplinaire onderzoeksprogramma Sociale Veerkracht en Veiligheid vier vakken aan voor studenten die beginnen met het derde jaar van hun bachelor. Deze vakken zijn te volgen binnen de ruimte voor keuzevakken. Je kunt de vakken afzonderlijk als keuzevak…
Complex Patterns in Streams
The goal of the project is the development of stream mining techniques for complex patterns such as graphs. We will try to extend the existing state-of-the-art techniques into two, orthogonal directions: on the one hand, the mining of more complex patterns in streams, such as sequential patterns and…
Understanding disease suppressive soils
Soil is a home for an unbelievable diversity and abundance of microbial life that is essential for supporting life on our planet.
The origins of friction and the growth of graphene, investigated at the atomic scale
Promotor: J.W.M. Frenken
The use of computational toxicology in hazard assessment of engineered nanomaterials
Assessing the risks of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) solely on the basis of experimental assays is time-consuming, resource intensive, and constrained by ethical considerations (such as the principles of the 3Rs of animal testing). The adoption of computational toxicology in this field is a high p…
Reasoning about object-oriented programs: from classes to interfaces
Throughout the history of computer science, a major challenge has been how to assert that software is free of bugs and works as intended. Software bugs can lead to serious negative impacts on any software system. Throughout the main body of the thesis, we implemented a series of studies on exploring…
Smoothly breaking unitarity : studying spontaneous collapse using two entangled, tuneable, coherent amplifiers
The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics states that a measurement collapses a wavefunction onto an eigenstate of the corresponding measurement operator.
Global fitness maximising approaches to evaluate the trade-offs involved in the evergreen and deciduous conundrum
Which traits and/or trade-offs determine benefits of being deciduous or evergreen?
Algorithms for the description of molecular sequences
Promotor: J.N. Kok, P.E. Slagboom Co-promotor: J.F.J. Laros
- Summer School: "Manuscript Studies: Codicology and Digital Techniques" (5 ECTS)
Child Sexual Abuse in the Digital Era: Rethinking Legal Frameworks and Transnational Law Enforcement Collaboration
Op 11 juni 2020 verdedigde Sabine Witting haar proefschrift 'Child Sexual Abuse in the Digital Era: Rethinking Legal Frameworks and Transnational Law Enforcement Collaboration'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.mr. J.J. Sloth-Nielsen en prof.dr.mr. S. van der Hof.
Scheduled protocol programming
With the advent of multicore processors and data centers, computer hardware has become increasingly parallel, allowing one to run multiple pieces of software at the same time on different machines. Coordination of these pieces is best expressed in a coordination language as an explicit interaction protocol…
Patterns on Spatially Structured Domains
We consider the propagation of electrical signals through nerve fibres.
Student for a day Dutch Studies
Lorentz Lezing: Working towards evidence-based care for aging transgender and non-binary people
Alex Elias wint Jan Brouwer Scriptieprijs
Alex Elias, alumnus van de Research Master Linguistics, heeft met zijn scriptie de Jan Brouwer Scriptieprijs voor Taal- en Letterkunde gewonnen. Elias, die sinds een jaar als PhD-student verbonden is aan UC Berkeley, schreef de scriptie onder begeleiding van prof. dr. Marian Klamer.
Marian Klamer en Rik van Gijn op NEMO Kennislink over uitstervende talen
Wat gaat er verloren als een taal uitsterft? Volgens hoogleraar Marian Klamer en universitair docent Rik van Gijn gaat er meer dan alleen de taal verloren. Maar hoe sterft een taal eigenlijk uit?
Data science
Het merendeel van de wetenschappers, van archeologen tot zoölogen, verzamelt enorme hoeveelheden gegevens. Hun databanken bevatten grote hoeveelheden informatie die voor de mens moeilijk te filteren zijn. Met een stevige basis in de statistiek en de computerwetenschappen kunnen we algoritmes ontwikkelen…
Een masteropleiding vergroot je kansen op de arbeidsmarkt en opent deuren naar uitdagende functies. Na je driejarige bachelor kun je direct doorstromen naar een één- of tweejarige master aan de Universiteit Leiden of een andere instelling.
Een masteropleiding vergroot je kansen op de arbeidsmarkt en opent deuren naar uitdagende functies. Na je driejarige bachelor kun je direct doorstromen naar een één- of tweejarige master aan de Universiteit Leiden of een andere instelling.
Een masteropleiding vergroot je kansen op de arbeidsmarkt en opent deuren naar uitdagende functies. Na je driejarige bachelor kun je direct doorstromen naar een één- of tweejarige master aan de Universiteit Leiden of een andere instelling.