1,516 zoekresultaten voor “dual or have having” in de Publieke website
Niemand weet of chemische industrie veiliger wordt door toezicht
Er gaan miljoenen euro’s naar overheidstoezicht op bedrijven die met grote hoeveelheden gevaarlijke stoffen werken. Maar of de industrie daar nou echt veiliger van wordt, is niet bekend. Het aantal overtredingen en incidenten blijft constant. Dat blijkt uit het proefschrift van buitenpromovendus Rob…
The road to drain or gain
Rina Visser: Kunst wordt een proces
Op 1 november promoveerde Rina Visser-Rotgans op haar proefschrift 'Veranderend kunstenaarschap. De rol en betekenis van de kunstenaar in participatieve kunstpraktijken'. Rina onderzocht een relatief nieuw verschijnsel in de kunstwereld: de kunstenaar die niet alleen werkt aan een kunstuiting, maar…
Roméo Dallaire 23 april Universiteit Leiden
Institute for Security and Global Affairs en Dual PhD Centre organiseren op 23 april gezamenlijk een online lezing van Cleveringa hoogleraar generaal Roméo Dallaire over
Nieuwe Dean: ‘Betrek studenten bij ontwikkeling honoursonderwijs’
Jos Schaeken is vanaf 1 maart 2020 de nieuwe Dean van de Honours Academy. Hij volgt Ton van Haaften op die binnenkort met emeritaat gaat. Een dubbelinterview over ambities, continuïteit en de rol van studenten.
Custom-made online language courses
Make use of this time to improve your language skills by signing up for custom-made online language classes.
Cholesterol metabolism and hematopoiesis interaction in atherothrombosis
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide.
Two-photon multifocal microscopy for in vivo single-molecule and single-particle imaging
In this thesis we investigated the ability of two-photon multifocal microscopy for single-molecule microscopy in live cells and organisms.
The field of science communication is very broad. Below is a list of organisations where SCS students can fulfill internships or where alumni have found jobs.
Click-to-release for immune cell activation
This work describes the use of click-to-release chemistry to get spatiotemporal control over immunocytokine activity. Until now, immunocytokines (cytokines coupled to a tumor-targeting-moiety) remained active throughout the body, being able to bind their respective receptors, causing mild to severe…
HEPGAME is a research project that combines the world’s fastest computer algebra system for High Energy Physics equations, FORM, with insights from artificial intelligence. The name combines High Energy Physics and Games.
Knots in plasma
A plasma is an ionized gas with very low electrical resistivity. As such, magnetic field lines are 'frozen in' and move with the fluid. Magnetic field lines that are linked, knotted and tangled, cannot be undone by the fluid motions.
Discovery of antibiotics and their targets in multidrug-resistant bacteria
Global healthcare is on the verge of an antibiotic availability crisis as bacteria have evolved resistance to nearly all known antibacterials. Identifying new antibiotics that operate via novel modes-of-action is therefore of high priority.
Plant occurrence in space and time: the importance of land use, habitat structure, and pollination mode
Plant diversity is essential for us and our planet as it sustains the stability of our ecosystems, provides vital materials and food to us and supports many ecosystem services.
The structure of the dusty cores of active galactic nuclei
Promotor: W. Jaffe, Co-promotor: K. Meisenheimer
Algebraic techniques for low communication secure protocols
Promotor: R. Cramer
A new method to reconstruct the structure from crystal images
Promotor: J.P. Abrahams, Co-promotor: T. Grüne
Discovery of selective diacylglycerol lipase β inhibitors
Diacylglycerol lipases (DAGLα and DAGLβ) are responsible for the biosynthesis of the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) in the brain and peripheral tissues. Selective DAGLβ inhibitors have been proposed as a potential treatment for inflammatory diseases with reduced potential for central…
Aspects of cosmic acceleration
The focus of the dissertation
System-level design for efficient execution of CNNs at the edge
A convolutional neural network (CNN) is a biologically inspired algorithm, highly capable at processing images and videos.
Exploring structure dependencies of gas-surface interactions with curved single crystals
Curved single crystals provide variable, but well-defined surface structures.
Intradermal delivery of nanoparticulate vaccines using coated and hollow microneedles
In summary, the collective results described in this thesis show that nanoparticulate vaccines can be delivered intradermally by coated and hollow microneedles and evoke antigen-specific immune responses.
Targeting the adenosinergic system
Adenosine is an endogenous ligand which exerts its action by activating adenosine receptors (ARs), while its circulating levels are controlled via a variety of mechanism and proteins, amongst others the equilibrative nucleoside transporters (ENTs).
Development of personalized health monitoring using ultra-weak photon emission based on systems medicine concepts
Promotor: Jan van der Greef; Co-promotors: Mei Wang; Eduard van Wijk
Synthesis and applications of cell wall glycopolimer fragments from Staphilococci and Enterococci
Carbohydrates are present on the surface of bacteria making them suitable antigen candidates for vaccine development. This thesis deals with the synthesis of two carbohydrate-based components; the capsular polisaccharide of S. aureus type 5 and teichoic acids from staphilococci and enterococci speci…
How lawyers win land conflicts for corporations: Legal Strategy and its influence on the Rule of Law in Indonesia
Op 23 juni 2020 verdedigde Santy Kouwagam haar proefschrift 'How lawyers win land conflicts for corporations: Legal Strategy and its influence on the Rule of Law in Indonesia'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof.dr. A.W. Bedner en prof.dr. C.E. von Benda-Beckmann.
Fundamental research on the voltammetry of polycrystalline gold
Voltammetry plays a crucial role in modern scientific research by offering valuable insights into the electrochemical properties of materials, with wide-ranging applications in fields such as materials science, energy storage, corrosion studies, and sensor development.
Functionalized two-dimensional membranes and materials for solar-to-fuel devices: a multiscale computational approach
In the current global context, there is a pressing need to address sustainable energy supplies to safeguard our Planet and its ecosystems. The choices made by human society have a significant impact on genetic evolution and climate.
Deciphering fermionic matter: from holography to field theory
Promotor: K.E. Schalm, Co-promotor: S.S. Lee
Breeding birds on organic and conventional arable farms
Promotor: G.R. de Snoo
The mechanical genome : inquiries into the mechanical function of genetic information
The four possible segments A, T, C and G that link together to form DNA molecules, and with their ordering encode genetic information, are not only different in name, but also in their physical and chemical properties.
Off the wall: characterisation and exploitation of a cell wall deficient life style in filamentous actinomycetes
Almost all bacteria are enveloped by a cell wall that provides cellular protection.
Algorithm selection and configuration for Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum methods for industrial applications
Quantum hardware comes with a different computing paradigm and new ways to tackle applications. Much effort has to be put into understanding how to leverage this technology to give real-world advantages in areas of interest for industries such as combinatorial optimization or machine learning.
Ethics on the radar: exploring the relevance of ethics support in counterterrorism
What is the current relevance of the ethics of counterterrorism and what is the added value of ethics support within the practice of counterterrorism?
Sterile neutrinos in the early Universe
Promotor: A. Achúcarro, Co-promotor: A. Boyarsky
Novel regulators of prostate cancer stem cells and tumor aggressiveness
Promotor: R.C.M. Pelger Co-Promotor: G. van der Pluijm
Monitoring drought and salinity stress in agriculture by remote sensing for a sustainable future
Food security is challenged by a growing global population and by climate change. Drought and soil salinity are considered the most important ones that inhibit crop yield and distribution. Worryingly, climate change is predicted to increase not only their frequency and severity, but also their co-occurrence,…
Unveiling the third dimension: vertical structure as a probe of planet formation conditions
Protoplanetary disks are the gas and dust environments where planetary systems form around young stars. Using observations from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) this thesis analyses the gaseous molecular reservoir, using multiple tracers to resolve the 3D structure of protoplanetary…
Characterization of age-associated immunity in atherosclerosis
Healthy aging is one of the prime goals in today's society and atherosclerosis is among the greatest causes of morbidity in elderly. Cardiovascular disease patients receiving treatment are often of advanced aged and have an aged immune system, which limits translating experimental findings to the pa…
Pushing the characterization of exoplanet atmospheres down to temperate rocky planets in the era of JWST
One of the key discoveries in exoplanet research over the past decade is the abundance of small planets in our Milky Way. Despite their high numbers, our understanding of their atmospheres remains limited, and it is unknown if they possess atmospheres at all.
Image analysis for gene expression based phenotype characterization in yeast cells
Promotores: T.H.W. Bäck, A. Plaat, Co-promotor: F.J. Verbeek
Photon detection at subwavelength scales
Promotor: Prof.dr. E. Eliel, Co-Promotor: M.J.A. de Dood
Arguably augmented reality : relationships between the virtual and the real
This thesis is about augmented reality (AR). AR is commonly considered a technology that integrates virtual images into a user’s view of the real world.
A monograph of the plant genus Trigonostemon Blume
Trigonostemon Blume is a plant genus in the family Euphorbiaceae comprising 59 species.
Risk bounds for deep learning
In this thesis, deep learning is studied from a statistical perspective. Convergence rates for the worst case risk bounds of neural network estimators are obtained in the classification, density estimation and linear regression model.
Non-equilibrium chemistry and cooling in simulations of galaxy formation
Promotor: J. Schaye
Structural changes in single chromatin fibers induced by tension and torsion
Promotor: T. Schmidt, Co-promotor: S. J.T. van Noort
Applications for activity-based probes in biomedical research on glycosidases
Lysosomal glycosidases are acid hydrolases that fragment glycoconjugates in lysosomes.
Visualization of Vitamin A Metabolism
Vitamin A or retinol is essential in embryonic development, the visual cycle and the immune system.
Cellular Forces: Adhering, Shaping, Sensing and Dividing
Promotor: Prof.dr. T. Schmidt