810 zoekresultaten voor “also” in de Publieke website
Metagenomics for community ecology; a next generation of eDNA monitoring tool for biomass studies in freshwater environments
How can we quantify the density of species within a community through environmental DNA concentrations?
Quantification of ecosystem services within river catchments
How can ecosystem services within river catchments be quantified in spatial and temporal explicit way?
Examining the sustainability aspects of biotechnology, especially those related to the production of ethanol from biomass.
The Sand Motor - Building with Nature to optimise coastal protection and other ecosystem services
How can mega sand nourishments, such as the Sand Motor, be designed and managed for optimal ecosystem services provision ?
Impacts of the use of Natural Resources and Products
Development of an aggregated impact indicator to measure decoupling.
Nanowire based Tandem Solar Cells
In this project innovative technology for photovoltaics cells is developed and analysis of ecological and health related risks are explicitly accounted for.
Management of small-scale -African fisheries: The Case of Elephant Marsh in Malawi
How does the management of Elephant Marsh Fishery in Malawi relate to wider contexts of policies, theories and regions? And how can the current management system be adapted to achieve long-term sustainability of the fishery?
De Kolyvan-Voskresensk Fabrieken en de Russische Integratie van Zuid-Siberië, 1725-1783
How were the Russians, under early modern conditions, able to incorporate this distant, undeveloped and, because frequent nomadic attacks, dangerous territory? And what role did the Kolyvan-Voskresensk plants play in this process?
Dance Improvisation: Soil Connections, Gleaners and the Worms
Kunst en vrije tijd, Kunst en vrije tijd
Master Track Public Administration: Economics and Governance
The Economics and Governance specialisation of the Master in Public Administration teaches you to formulate problem-solving approaches to concrete policy issues found at the intersection between economics and public administration. This specialisation is a unique joint offering of the Department of…
Integrated life cycle assessment and life cycle costing of concrete recycling in the Netherlands
Integrating life cycle assessment (LCA) with life cycle costing (LCC) offers the opportunity to simultaneously analyze the environmental and economic aspects of product alternatives, for the integration of which a unified computational has been proposed by Heijungs et al. (2013) [1]. The project aims…
- Medieval and Early Modern Studies Spring School 2025: History of Emotions (5 ECTS)
Geometry and arithmetic of del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1
This thesis contains results on the arithmetic and geometry of del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1.In Chapter 1 we give the necessary background, assuming the reader is familiar with algebraic geometry.
Material flow analysis for the C&D waste management systems in the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Finland
What are the flows of C&DW (e.g. bricks, concrete, gypsum and wood) in the case study countries ? How to define the specification for each material to be quantified? What indicators should be used to identify the pattern of each C&DW management system? How to interpret the MFA results in relation…
De bom (najaar 2020)
75 jaar na Hiroshima en Nagasaki In samenwerking met Japanmuseum SieboldHuis, naar aanleiding van de tentoonstelling aldaar.
Monitoring and detection of nanomaterials in biological media.
How do nanoparticles bioaccumulate and biodistribute in organisms?
Development of Quantitative Nanostructure Activity Relationship (QNAR) Models Predicting the Toxicity of Metal-based Nanoparticles to Aquatic
Describe and identify what dosimetry parameters are of importance to interpret dose-response relationships (eg., mortality, sub-lethal, growth or reproduction inhabitation, DNA damage and reactive oxygen species, etc. ) for metal-based nanoparticles? How to develop quantitative models that enable to…
Het leven aan Leiden University College Den Haag
Vind jouw thuis bij LUC! Wij zijn gevestigd in het hart van Den Haag. Met ons eigen gebouw en internationale profiel biedt LUC een omgeving voor iedereen die op zoek is naar een interculturele ervaring en die een verantwoordelijke wereldburger wil worden.
Lost in Shanghai? Experiences of an exchange lecturer
In February 2017 our faculty newsletter included an announcement on lecturing in China. I immediately thought I should apply.
Waterjuffers uit het Levend Lab in verschillende media
Het nieuwste onderzoek uit het Leids openlucht laboratorium ‘Levend Lab’ toont aan dat het insecticide thiacloprid zelfs de meest voorkomende en robuuste waterjuffersoort in ons land sterk beïnvloedt. Het onderzoek is gepubliceerd in Journal of Applied Ecology. Verschillende media besteedden aandacht…
Call for Papers - Istituto Datini (Prato)
The Datini Study Week will embrace a broad (but not generic) definition of social mobility to include not only the change from a well-defined social-economic condition to another equally well-defined (and measurable) one, but also the process through which individuals, families and social groups re-define…
Media over milieu-impactonderzoek voeding Paul Behrens
Ook het milieu profiteert als mensen hun nationale voedingsrichtlijnen te volgen, toonde Paul Behrens aan in onderzoek gepubliceerd in PNAS. De publicatie trok media-aandacht in binnen- en buitenland.
COI Conference 2023: Call for Abstracts
The 2023 Conference: Institutions for Conflict Resolution (COI) aims to identify just institutional approaches that seek (real) conflict prevention and conflict resolution in the legal context. It will be held in Utrecht on 28 and 29 September 2023. We welcome abstracts from all researchers around the…
LIACS alumnus receives ACM Multimedia Rising Star Award
Former PhD student of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) Bart Thomee has received this year’s Rising Star Award from the Multimedia group of ACM, the worldwide computer science association. Today, Thomee is a successful researcher at Yahoo Labs.
New book publiction: Pas d’armes and Late Medieval Chivalry: A Casebook
This new Casebook features the work of an international, interdisciplinary research group entitled ‘The Joust as Performance: Pas d’armes and Late Medieval Chivalry’.
Lab member Niek Strohmaier part of Kifid’s arbitration committee
As per January 1st, Niek Strohmaier is part of Kifid’s arbitration committee.
Call for papers: Mediëvistendag 2023
Het Utrecht Centre for Medieval Studies nodigt PhD's en andere early-career-onderzoekers uit om hun onderzoek te presenteren op de landelijke Mediëvistendag 2023. Deadline voor abstracts: 30 september.
Tolerant migrant cities? The case of Holland 1600-1900
This pioneering project will answer this question by examining migrants through the eyes of the courts between 1600 and 1900. It aims to reveal patterns of continuity and change in: 1. Treatment of migrants by criminal courts; 2. Violence and conflicts between migrants and native born.
African Oral Literatures, new media and technologies
African oral literatures, new media and technologies: challenges for research and documentation
Quantum ontsluiten voor de samenleving: de kracht van metaforen
Kiemproject: Hoe kunnen metaforen bijdragen aan betere maatschappelijke betrokkenheid bij quantumwetenschap en -technologie, en welke factoren beïnvloeden de acceptatie of weerstand tegen metaforen bij zowel experts als leken?
Huldebundel Peter Hoppenbrouwers
Claire Weeda, Robert Stein, and Louis Sicking have published a collection of essays in honour of Em. Prof. dr. Peter Hoppenbrouwers - also the former Scientific Director of the Research School of Medieval Studies. The contributions can be consulted freely online.
Symposium: The digital reconstruction of the crucifixion of the Lindau master
On 8 July, the symposium 'The digital reconstruction of the crucifixion of the Lindau master (ca. 1425)' will take place at the auditorium of Museum Catharijnecovent, from where it will also be broadcasted online.
Lecture Derek Kennet & Fernando Casamayor-Molina
On Thursday, 21 April, at 15.00 CEST Derek Kennet and Fernando Casamayor-Molina will give a guest lecture at Radboud University (Senaatzaal, Comeniuslaan 2, Nijmegen). This lecture will be held live though it is also possible to join online via zoom. To register, please email: peter.brown@ru.nl.
Nieuwe strategie LDE Centre for BOLD Cities
Het Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centrum voor BOLD Cities maakt gebruik van multidisciplinair big data-onderzoek om oplossingen te vinden voor stedelijke problemen. 'BOLD' staat voor 'Big, Open and Linked Data'. Data science is een van de belangrijkste disciplines van het Center.
Roméo Dallaire 23 april Universiteit Leiden
Institute for Security and Global Affairs en Dual PhD Centre organiseren op 23 april gezamenlijk een online lezing van Cleveringa hoogleraar generaal Roméo Dallaire over
Medieval and Early Modern Studies Spring School: Landscape History and Ecology (Gent, 28 May - 1 June 2024)
Climate change, depletion of natural resources, loss of natural and cultural landscapes, and many other (ecological) sustainability challenges urge us to (re)evaluate human interaction with the natural world. This renewed environmental consciousness has invigorated not only scientists working on effects…
TRI Leiden Newsletter June 2017
The Turnaround, Rescue and Insolvency Research Team presents in its most recent newsletter of June 2017 an update on its currrent research and developments. The Newsletter reports on the international and multidisciplinary perspective the TRI Leiden Research Team applies in studying and promoting efficient…
Student reviews of our courses
Read all about the experiences of our students who followed one of the Academic Language Center's (online) courses in the past semester.
Vacature: PhD Candidate in Medieval / Early Modern Intellectual History (RU)
Radboud University is looking for a PhD researcher who will investigate the afterlife of medieval thought in early modern Europe through the study of concrete instances of intellectual transfer, for instance the appropriation of specific medieval authors or early modern revaluations of specific themes…
Summer school: Things that Matter (Groningen, June 2024)
In June 2024, the University of Groningen organizes a summer school, titled "Things that Matter". The Summer School explores challenges in digitizing source materials, questioning distinctions between physical and digital copies. It delves into the impact of virtual collections and criteria for digitization,…
Expert Meeting (Groningen) - Forms of Knowledge - Online (14 May 2021, 10.00-14.00)
The "Cognitive Turn" and the Middle Ages - There is an increasing interest in the cognitive sciences and how knowledge from this area influences literary studies, history, art history, and studies in material culture. This meeting seeks to discuss the possibilities, but also the limitations of incorporating…
Interview Prof. em. Wim Blockmans
Prof. em. Wim Blockmans (Leiden University) has given an interview to ‘De Nieuwe Wereld’ (in Dutch). He talks about his latest book 'Medezeggenschap. Politieke participatie in Europa vóór 1800'. Take also a look at the YouTube channel of this Dutch philosophy collective as other videos feature medievalists…
Best Spaans proefschrift in Soil Science in 2015 voor CML onderzoeker Daniel Arenas Lago
Nieuw onderzoek naar minderheden in islam
Hoe bestudeer je de gecompliceerde verhouding die de religieuze minderheden in het Midden-Oosten door de tijd heen gehad hebben met de islamitische meerderheden? Welke rol speelt taal? Hoe reflecteren deze processen van in- en uitsluiting zich in de manier waarop mensen zich kleden?
Twenty years of MIRD: four alumni speak up
Big celebration upcoming weekend: MIRD's 20th anniversary is on the cards. Four alumni from different periods tell what this unique two-year master's in International Relations and Diplomacy has brought them.
Barend Mons appointed Chair of European Commission’s High Level Expert Group
Professor Barend Mons has been appointed Chair of the Commission High Level Expert Group
Het boek Turnaround Management and Bankruptcy is gepubliceerd!
Met trots kunnen wij meedelen dat het boek ‘Turnaround Management and Bankruptcy’ gepubliceerd is. De editors van dit boek zijn Prof. dr. mr. J.A.A. Adriaanse en Prof. dr. J.I. van der Rest. Beide zijn werkzaam bij de afdeling Bedrijfswetenschappen van de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid.
Course: Writing on the Margins. Graffiti in Italy (7th-16th century), KNIR, 5-15 April 2024
From 5 to 15 April 2024, a course on graffiti in Italy between the seventh and sixteenth centuries will take place at the Dutch Royal Institute in Rome (KNIR). Applicants are encouraged to apply before February 4, 2024.
Berkeley Legal Studies Global Access Program (semester programma) + Voorlichting op 20 september
Leiden Law School heeft recent een Memorandum of Understanding getekend met UC Berkeley Extension/UC Berkeley School of Law.