1,970 zoekresultaten voor “life cycle assessment” in de Publieke website
Life Cycle Assessment of Nanomaterials and Risk Assessment.
What is the environmental impact, the human health impact and the life cycle and production costs of the lab, pilot and commercial diffusion of nanowires and nanowire-based photovoltaic technologies?
Integrated life cycle assessment and life cycle costing of concrete recycling in the Netherlands
Integrating life cycle assessment (LCA) with life cycle costing (LCC) offers the opportunity to simultaneously analyze the environmental and economic aspects of product alternatives, for the integration of which a unified computational has been proposed by Heijungs et al. (2013) [1]. The project aims…
Development of life cycle assessment for residue-based bioenergy
Wat zijn de belangrijkste thema's in het uitvoeren van systemen voor bio-energie ?
Development of life cycle assessment for residue-based bioenergy
Promotores: Prof.dr.G.R. de Snoo and Dr. R. Heijungs
Evaluating Asian aquaculture using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
Are there significant differences among the environmental impacts resulting form the production of Asian aquaculture commodities and what are the main causes for these?
Expanding the coverage of ecosystem services in life cycle assessment: an interdisciplinary venture
To contribute to the body of knowledge aiming at a better coverage of ecosystem service assessment in LCA studies, this thesis dives into the challenges of incorporating existing ecosystem service methods within the impact assessment phase of the conventional LCA framework.
Deepening the uncertainty dimension of environmental Life Cycle Assessment: addressing choice, future and interpretation uncertainties.
LCA has become an important method to study environmental impacts of human activities. Still, there are several methodological issues in LCA that can adversely affect the results reliability.
Impact assessment modelling of matter-less stressors in the context of Life Cycle Assessment
Promotoren: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo en Dr. R. Heijungs
Life Cycle Assessment-Based Guidance for development of New Energy Technologies
The development of new environmentally sound technologies is seen as a key route towards achieving sustainability.
Het ontwikkelen en demonstreren van innovatieve praktijken om met een lage milieu-impact farmaceutica te produceren.
Materials Innovative Technologies Assessment (MIN-TEA)
How can prospective LCA be streamlined in a way that its practical application in research and technology development increases?
Constraints on large-scale implementation of BioSolarCells, Early stage assessment of environmental value propositions
What performance criteria does a new technology have to fulfill in order to be added to the list of future energy options and what constraints exist in terms of broad market penetration?
imports of Asian aquaculture products using statistically supported life cycle assessments
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo
Lithium-ion batteries and the transition to electric vehicles
The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) reduces vehicle emissions to combat climate change. EVs raise concerns regarding the production of lithium-ion batteries and related emissions; while batteries can also provide energy storage services for the electricity system.
IDREEM - Increasing industrial resource efficiency in European mariculture
What are the environmental trade-offs for SMEs considering moving from monoculture aquaculture practice towards IMTA? What are the environmental trade-offs comparing IMTA species with their conventional monoculture alternatives?
Environmental assessment and guidance for the future offshore wind energy development
This thesis aims to address offshore wind energy (OWE)-related environmental impacts.
What are the life-cycle environmental impacts and risks to human health and ecosystems of a III-V/Si PV system? How can these be expected to change when the system is deployed at industrial scale? What are the most favourable recycling scenarios?
Assessing global regionalized impacts of eutrophication on freshwater fish biodiversity
Freshwater biodiversity has been threatened by eutrophication due to excessive nutrients in the environment. Releasing the freshwater species from such pressures requires efforts from industry and manufacturers to avoid emissions to vulnerable and high-risk regions.
Chen Li
Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
Towards circular and energy-efficient management of building stock
Material circularity and energy efficiency are highly relevant and intertwined issues for the transition towards a carbon-neutral and circular built environment. In the Netherlands, the building sector has been rendered a priority towards a circular and low-carbon society.
Environmental footprints: assessing anthropogenic effects on the planet's environment
Promotor: Prof.dr. G.R. de Snoo, Co-promotor: R. Heijungs
Guiding safe and sustainable technological innovation under uncertainty: a case study of III-V/silicon photovoltaics
A framework for prospective/ex-ante life cycle assessment (LCA) and ecological risk assessment (ERA) of emerging technologies is developed and applied to a case study of III-V/silicon photovoltaic panels.
Circular city & Industry park MATerials metabolism learning package and assessment tool
Some examples of research questions include: What framework of circular strategies should local practitioners use? How should practitioners organize their monitoring of the circular economy activities in the region of interest? What are the main products that have the most circular potential in the…
Calcas: Co-ordination Action for Innovation in Life-Cycle Analysis for Sustainability
Co-ordination Action for Innovation in Life-Cycle Analysis for Sustainability: deepening, broadening and leaping forward the LCA methodology.
Nina van Dulmen
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Footprint family: Concepts, classification, integration, and benchmarking against planetary boundaries
How to bring together different footprints into an integrated family and what are the synergies? What are the roles of inventory analysis and characterization in measuring individual footprints and how these affect a footprint family? How to benchmark environmental footprints against related planetary…
Quantifying material and carbon reduction in circular consumption: solving selected methodological and data challenges while accounting for rebound
To conclude, this thesis provides valuable methodological insights to address data gaps and improve environmental impact assessments within the circular economy, with a particular focus on product reuse and sharing practices. Through empirical analysis and innovative approaches, it aims to support informed…
Marin Visscher
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Jeroen Guinee
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Towards a Sustainable and Circular Metals Economy
In-use stocks of products can be considered as intermediaries between human needs and the physical world.
How can we develop and further improve life cycle impact assessment methods, characterisation factors and normalisation factors?
CMLCA is a software tool that supports the technical steps of the Life Cycle Assessment. The focus of the program is on advanced computational aspects of life cycle inventory calculations.
The environmental rebound effect: a new paradigm for an old challenge. The case of transport eco-innovation
What is the role of the rebound effect in achieving environmental savings from transport eco-innovation? Are traditional definitions of the rebound effect adequate in the context of transformative innovations and multidimensional environmental issues?
Waste Collection Systems Assessed and Good Practices Identified (COLLECTORS)
What is the environmental impact of different waste collection systems across Europe? How can the collection be improved when considering collection, sorting, and treatment, as well as use options for secondary materials?
Examining the sustainability aspects of biotechnology, especially those related to the production of ethanol from biomass.
Nethmi Sewwandi Kankanamge Dona
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
The ReCiPe methodology for Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA).
Lavinia Reitz
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Robert Istrate
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Spatiotemporal building stock modeling for residential decarbonization in the Netherlands
Decarbonizing the building stock is critical for realizing the climate-neutral target for the Netherlands.
When materials become critical: lessons from the 2010 rare earth crisis
Promotor: G.J. Kramer Co-Promotor: E.G.M. Kleijn
Sebastiaan Deetman
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Nils Pauliks
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Stewart McDowall
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Arjan de Koning
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Metals in LCIA
A critical look at the impact assessment modelling of metals in Life Cycle Impact Assessment and improvement options.
Logarithmic approach to the double ramification cycle
This thesis discusses several questions regarding the double ramification cycle as a Chow class on the moduli space of stable n-pointed genus g curves using tools from so-called logarithmic geometry.
Carbon4PUR | Turning industrial waste gases (mixed CO/CO2 streams) into intermediates for polyurethane plastics for rigid foams/building insulation
What would be the environmental performance of the Carbon4PUR technology at industrial scale in the future?
De impact van onze producten en diensten op het milieu en klimaat: hoe te meten?
De auto die we kopen is gemaakt van duizenden componenten, die weer gemaakt zijn van verschillende typen materialen. Deze materialen zijn op zichzelf weer afkomstig van verschillende plekken, worden naar productiefaciliteiten gestuurd en verzameld tot een product. Zodra de auto afgedankt is, moeten…
Stefano Cucurachi
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen