Universiteit Leiden

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Hands-on bijeenkomst

Data & Drinks: Data Archiving

  • CDS Datamanagement team
vrijdag 14 juni 2024
De voertaal van deze bijeenkomst is Engels.
Witte Singel 27
2311 BG Leiden
0.28, Centre for Digital Scholarship

Depositing your research data in a data repository helps to make your data FAIR, enhances your visibility and trustworthiness as a researcher, and allows others to build upon your work. However, it can be a challenging endeavour if you don’t know where to start. In this session, we offer hands-on support with uploading your research data to a suitable data repository.

Hosted by: CDS data management team
Just walk in and join us at the Centre for Digital Scholarship, UBL room 0.28.

This session is part of the Centre for Digital Scholarship's Summer Training Week.


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