Universiteit Leiden

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Connect & Deposit: discovering the Dryad data publishing platform

dinsdag 28 mei 2024
De voertaal van de Research Data Management Community is Engels.
Online via Zoom

In this Connect & Deposit session, co-organised by CWTS and the Leiden University Research Data Management Community, Sarah Lippincott, Head of Community Engagement at Dryad, will talk about the Dryad repository:

“Dryad (datadryad.org) is a non-profit data publishing platform. We provide researchers with the tools to share and preserve their data, making it openly available for others to access and reuse. Researchers around the world rely on Dryad and our fully curated publishing process to make their data discoverable and reusable now and into the future. This session will help you determine when Dryad is a good choice for your data, review best practices for preparing your data for sharing, and walk through the data submission process.” 

The main session will last one hour with extra time allocated for asking questions and continuing the discussion with those who wish to stay a bit longer. The session is open to anyone with an interest in the topic. If you are a member of the Leiden University Research Data Management Community, you will have received an invitation by email. If you are not a member, or did not receive the email, please register to attend using the button below. 

About Connect & events

This event is part of the “Connect and …” series of meetings arranged by, and for, the Leiden University Research Data Management Community. The meetings take around the middle of the month, every month, at different days and times, so as to maximize access according to people’s different working hours. Topics and speakers are proposed by members of the Community.

You can post a suggestion in the Community's MSTeams space, or write to datamanagement@library.leidenuniv.nl, if you have a topic you'd like to discuss in a future meeting and the CDS team will help to make it happen.

If you’re interested in joining us, please fill out the registration form.

Registration form

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