43 zoekresultaten voor “pharmacokinetics” in de Publieke website
Shaping the pharmacokinetic landscape for renally cleared antibiotics in obesity
The prevalence of obesity (BMI >40 kg/m2) has increased rapidly over the recent years, not only in adults, but also in children and adolescents.
0 model development and applications: healthy-to-diseased CNS pharmacokinetic translation
Accurate prediction of the unbound drug concentration-time profile at the CNS target site is crucial for the assessment of the right drug concentration-effect relationship. PBPK models have supported the PK prediction of the CNS target sites and the translation of PK data between species and between…
clinical studies in special populations: towards semi-physiological pharmacokinetic models
M. Danhof, Co-promotores: J. Freijer, A. Yassen
The impact of obesity on the pharmacokinetics of drugs in adolescents and adults
Promotores: C.A.J. Knibbe; J.N. van den Anker, Co-promotores: H.P.A. van Dongen; B. van Ramshorst
renal clearance in children using population pharmacokinetic and physiology based pharmacokinetic modeling approaches
In this thesis population pharmacokinetic and physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) approaches were applied to investigate the influence of glomerular filtration (GF) and active tubular secretion (ATS) on renal clearance in children.
Translational pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics in zebrafish: integration of experimental and computational methods
The zebrafish is a promising vertebrate model organism in early drug discovery and development.
Systems pharmacokinetic models to the prediction of local CNS drug concentrations in human
Clinical development of drugs for central nervous system (CNS) disorders has been particularly challenging and still suffers from high attrition rates.
Multi-Biomarker Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Relationships of Central Nervous Systems Active Dopaminergic Drugs
Discovery and development of Central Nervous System (CNS) drugs is hampered by high attrition rates.
Individualized dosing of serotherapy in allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation - a delicate balance
Promotor: C.A.J. Knibbe, Co-promotor: J.J. Boelens, R.G.M. Bredius
Dosing considerations for preterm neonates: from pharmacometrics to clinical practice
Prematurely born neonates require, amongst others, pharmaceutical therapy. Dosing guidelines for these therapies are often based on data from term born neonates or older infants, while these are not necessarily similar to prematurely born neonates.
How to scale clearance from adults to children for drugs undergoing hepatic metabolism?
The aim of this thesis is to expedite and ensure the systematic accuracy of clearance scaling from adults to paediatric patients, with a special focus on drugs undergoing hepatic metabolism.
First-pass and systemic metabolism of cytochrome P450 3A substrates in neonates, infants, and children
Growth and development affect the metabolism of drugs administered to neonates, infants, and children.
Does it still hurt?
The last decades it is increasingly recognized that acute as well as chronic postoperative pain is an important problem. Treatment and prevention of postoperative pain is a challenge, especially in special patient populations where there is only limited guidance on how to optimally use opioids.
Prediction of brain target site concentrations on the basis of CSF PK: impact of mechanisms of blood-to-brain transport and within brain distribution
Promotor: M. Danhof, Co-promotor: E.C.M. de Lange
Quantitative pharmacological modelling for optimizing treatment of sepsis
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition caused by a dysregulated host response to infection, it is associated with significant morbidity, mortality, and with a high financial burden on global healthcare systems. Bacterial infections are the primary cause of sepsis, but the growing prevalence of antimicrobial…
Towards a system-based pharmacology approach to predict developmental changes in renal drug clearance in children
Promotores: Prof.dr. C.A.J. Knibbe, Prof.dr. M. Danhof, Prof.dr. K. Allegaert (Leuven)
Quantitative pharmacology of antimicrobials
Antimicrobial drugs constitute a fundamental part of modern medicine. The global rise in antimicrobial resistance poses a major threat to global health.
Optimizing antifungal treatment through pharmacometrics: dosing considerations to enhance outcome
Fungal infections pose a significant threat to individuals with compromised immune systems and despite advancements in diagnosis and treatment, they continue to jeopardize patient’s health.
Pharmacology based toxicity assessment: towards quantitative risk prediction in humans
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Danhof
The quantification of growth hormone secretion : application of model-informed drug development in acromegaly
Growth hormone profiles are pulsatile and highly variable between individuals, limiting the implementation of mathemathical models to quantify an individual's secretion.
Prediction of spatial-temporal brain drug distribution with a novel mathematical model
A novel mathematical model describes spatial-temporal drug distribution within one or more brain units, which are cubic representations of a piece of brain tissue with brain capillaries at the edges.
From data to models: reducing uncertainty in benefit risk assessment: application to chronic iron overload in children
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Danhof, Co-promotor: O.E. Della Pasqua
Pumping new life into preclinical pharmacokinetics; Exploring the pharmacokinetic application of ex vivo organ perfusion
Novel pharmacometric techniques to quantify the pharmacodynamics of analgesics
The overarching clinical aim of this thesis was to improve pharmacological pain management by characterizing the pharmacodynamics of analgesics. This promotion has been awarded the predicate cum laude.
Quantitative systems pharmacology modeling of biotherapeutics in oncology
In this thesis, mathematical modeling and simulation was applied as a tool to inform quantitative decision making in oncology drug discovery and development.
Weinig bewijs dat doping écht werkt
De lijst met verboden middelen van het Wereld Anti-Doping Agentschap (WADA) is enorm. Promovendus Jules Heuberger nam een groot deel ervan onder de loep, net als de detectiemethoden. Hij concludeerde: er is voor maar weinig stoffen bewijs dat ze daadwerkelijk de prestatie bevorderen. Promotie op 16…
Pharmacogenomics in Drug Development: Implementation and Application of PKPD Model Based Approaches
Model based approaches, integrating physiological parameters or linking exposure with response, are powerful tools to quantify and evaluate the impact of genetic differences that are reflected as variability of drug exposure and/or clinical response(s). This thesis “Pharmacogenomics in Drug Development: …
Comorbidities, complications and treatment of childhood obesity
Childhood obesity is an increasing health issue. In the first part of this thesis comorbidities in children with obesity were studied, concerning the diagnostic process and dosing regimens.
Discovery of Reversible Monoacylglycerol Lipase Inhibitors
Monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) is the principal enzyme responsible for hydrolysis of the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). MAGL inhibition provides several potential therapeutic opportunities, including anti-nociceptive, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activity.
Pharmacogenomics in drug development: implementation and application of PKPD model based approaches
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Danhof, Co-Promotor: J. de Jongh
0 model development and applications: Healthy-to- diseased CNS pharmacokinetic translation
Unraveling the drivers of antimicrobial pharmacokinetic variability in individuals with obesity and hospitalized patients with multimorbidity
Computational modeling of pharmacokinetics and tumor dynamics to guide anti-cancer treatment
Aan de wieg van farmacologische modellen
Na 41 jaar neemt Meindert Danhof, hoogleraar Farmacologie, op 31 maart afscheid van het Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research. Een symposium ter ere van hem, voorafgaand aan het afscheidscollege, laat zien wat er in die periode bereikt is. Danhof kijkt met plezier terug.
Hersenonderzoek doen alsof je Mastermind speelt
De hersenen zijn een complex weefsel, en onderzoek doen naar medicijnen voor hersenaandoeningen is zo mogelijk nog complexer. Elizabeth (Liesbeth) de Lange, hoogleraar Voorspellende Farmacologie, pleit voor een zeer gestructureerde aanpak. ‘Het is eigenlijk net als Mastermind spelen.’ Oratie op 22 m…
Data-driven donation strategies: understanding and predicting blood donor deferral
The research in this dissertation aims to optimise blood donation processes in the framework of the Dutch national blood bank Sanquin. The primary health risk for blood donors is iron deficiency, which is evaluated based on donors' hemoglobin and ferritin levels.
Research Achievement Award voor Meindert Danhof
Prof.dr. Meindert Danhof ontving op 15 november een Research Achievement Award in Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics & Drug Metabolism.
Meerdere Leidse bètastudenten blinken uit en winnen KHMW-Jong Talentprijs
Een ware prijzenregen voor studenten van de Faculteit Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen tijdens de jaarlijkse uitreikingsmiddag van de KHMW-Jong Talentprijzen. Op maandag 25 november ontvingen maar liefst negen eerstejaars een prijs voor beste studieresultaten in het eerste studiejaar. Daarnaast waren…
Prijzen en subsidies 2024
Op deze pagina vind je een overzicht van prijzen en subsidies die in 2024 zijn toegekend aan onze medewerkers en studenten, en de bijzondere benoemingen aan de Universiteit Leiden en andere instellingen.
Mastermind spelen om Alzheimer te ontrafelen
Om het ziekteverloop van de Ziekte van Alzheimer beter te begrijpen, is volgens Frédérique Kok een strategische en gestructureerde aanpak nodig: de Mastermindmethode. Met haar LUF-subsidie wil Kok data van hoge kwaliteit verzamelen om een wiskundig model maken dat het ontstaan van de ziekte kan herkennen…
Elke Krekels ontvangt Publicatieprijs Nederlandse Vereniging van Klinische Farmacologie
Krekels heeft zowel de Thesis Award als de TOP-Publicatieprijs ontvangen voor haar proefschrift ‘Size does matter: drug glucuronidation in children.’ Haar onderzoek leidde tot een nieuw doseervoorschrift van morfine voor baby’s en peuters. Beide prijzen werden uitgereikt tijdens de wetenschappelijke…
Eredoctor Elizabeth de Lange geëerd in Uppsala
Hoogleraar Elizabeth de Lange is op 31 januari geëerd door de Universiteit van Uppsala, die haar eind 2019 benoemde tot eredoctor. Tijdens de ceremonie ontving De Lange de drie symbolen van eer voor een eredoctoraat: een hoed, een diploma en een ring. ‘Een ongelofelijk prachtige ervaring!’
Medicijnen op maat: hoe obesitas de werking van medicijnen beïnvloedt
Hoe behandel je infectieziekten het best bij patiënten met obesitas? Ziekenhuisapotheker en promovendus Koen van Rhee onderzocht de invloed van obesitas op bloedwaarden van twee veelgebruikte medicijnen en ontwikkelde een opzet waarmee farmaceuten nieuwe geneesmiddelen kunnen testen op deze patiënte…