4,191 zoekresultaten voor “russian and space linguistics” in de Publieke website
Russian and Eurasian Studies (MA)
In de masteropleiding Russian and Eurasian Studies onderzoek je de Russische en Euraziatische wereld vanuit verschillende perspectieven: taal, literatuur, cultuur, of politiek, geschiedenis en economie.
Formalism, Realism and Conservatism in Russian Law
Op 18 december 2019 verdedigde Mikhail Antonov zijn proefschrift 'Formalism, Realism and Conservatism in Russian Law'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotor prof.dr. W.B. Simons.
Metabolomic characteristics of Catharanthus roseus plants in time and space
Promotor: R. Verpoorte, Co-promotores: Y.H.Choi, N.R. Mustafa
Night Spaces: Migration, Culture and Integration in Europe (NITE)
Hoe worden nachtruimtes verbeeld, geproduceerd, ervaren en verteld door migrantengemeenschappen in Europa? Dit onderzoeksproject onderzoekt deze vraag in acht Europese steden: Aarhus, Amsterdam, Berlijn, Cork, Galway, Lissabon, Londen en Rotterdam.
Linguistics (MA)
De eenjarige master Linguistics van de Universiteit Leiden combineert de expertise van vooraanstaande wetenschappers met een flexibel programma.
Air and Space Law (Advanced LL.M.)
Leiden University’s Master of Laws in Air and Space Law (LL.M.) looks at public air law, private air law and space law from a European and an international perspective.
Security in Transnational Spaces
This book focuses on transnationalism as a key concept to evaluate how Europe responds to cross-border security challenges.
Sentiment Shifts and a New Approach to Strategic Narratives Analysis: Russian Rhetoric on Ukraine
Dit artikel beoordeelt de Russische retoriek ten aanzien van Oekraïne door verklaringen van het Russische ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken te analyseren.
Extension of Operators on Pre-Riesz Spaces
This thesis mainly extends the theory of positive operators on Riesz spaces to a setting of pre-Riesz spaces.
Linguistics (specialisation) (MA)
In de masteropleiding Linguistics (specialisation) van de Universiteit Leiden kun je kiezen uit acht thema's: Applied Linguistics; Comparative Indo-European Linguistics; Computational Linguistics; Language and Communication; Language Description and Documentation; Language Processing and Cognition;…
Positive representations on ordered Banach spaces
Promotor: A. Doelman, Co-promotor: M.F.E. de Jeu
Linguistics (research) (MA)
De onderzoeksmaster Linguistics (research) van de Universiteit Leiden combineert de expertise van vooraanstaande wetenschappers met een flexibel programma.
Group representations in Banach spaces and Banach lattices
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel, Co-promotores: M.F.E. de Jeu, B. de Pagter
Tijdens de bachelor opleiding Linguistics aan Universiteit Leiden bestudeer jij alle aspecten van taal. Bekijk de opleidingsvideo.
Centre for Linguistics (LUCL)
Het Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) is een van de instituten van de Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen.
Understanding Ghanaian sign language(s): history, linguistics, and ideology
Op 27 juni promoveert Timothy Mac Hadjah. Het Leiden University Centre for Linguistics feliciteert Timothy!
Probing new physics in the laboratory and in space
The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics fails to explain several observed phenomena and is incomplete. In order to resolve this problem, one may extend the SM by adding new particles.
Experience Day Linguistics
The writing culture of ancient Dadan; a description and quantitative analysis of linguistics variation
Fokelien Kootstra verdedigde haar proefschrift op 23 april 2019
Experimental Linguistics Lab Facilities
Psycholinguïstisch en fonetisch onderzoek
Semigroups on Spaces of Measures
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel, Co-promotor: S.C. Hille
Heritage Linguistics Lab
Het Research Lab for the Study of Heritage Languages of the Netherlands (HERLING) is een platform voor onderzoek naar erfgoedtalen die in Nederland worden gesproken, met een focus op Turks, Bahasa Indonesia, Spaans, Papiamento, Berbers, Arabisch en Duits. HERLING wil een brug slaan tussen wetenschappelijk…
(Re)Imagining Port Cities: Understanding Space, Society and Culture
Havensteden zijn bijzonder in de wijze waarop ze ruimtelijkheid, economische activiteit en culturele waarden combineren. Het zijn vaak robuuste steden die kansen, rijkdom en innovatie bieden aan hun landen en hun inwoners. Maar havensteden geven ook grenzen weer, wat zich weerspiegeld in gemarginaliseerde…
PhD candidate in French linguistics
Geesteswetenschappen, Centre for Linguistics
Leiden University Centre for Linguistics
Wereldwijd zijn er ruim 7000 talen; meer dan de helft van de wereldbevolking is meertalig. Maar hoe gebruiken al die mensen hun taal? En op welke vlakken verschillende deze taken van elkaar? Onder het motto ‘Interconnecting linguistic diversity’ zijn de onderzoekers van het Leiden University Centre…
Resolving the building blocks of galaxies in space and time
We investigate the buildup of galaxies from various vantage points. The first two chapters focus on the stellar content of galaxies, especially the distribution of stellar masses at birth and potential variations therein in various galactic environments.
Exploring chemical space in covalent and competitive glycosidase inhibitor design
Glycoside hydrolases (glycosidases/GHs) are widely abundant enzymes in all kingdoms of life and are important biocatalysts that catalyze the hydrolysis of glycosidic linkages in oligo/polysaccharides, glycoproteins and glycolipids with tremendous efficiency
Geometric approach to evolution problems in metric spaces
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel, Co-promotor: O.W. van Gaans
Shining Light on PAHs in Space
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are the most abundant class of organic compounds in space. The PAH field evolves from the constant interaction between experimentalists, theorists, modellers and observers. While laboratory research and quantum chemical calculations together set up the molecular…
Plant occurrence in space and time: the importance of land use, habitat structure, and pollination mode
Plant diversity is essential for us and our planet as it sustains the stability of our ecosystems, provides vital materials and food to us and supports many ecosystem services.
Laboratory studies of Water Ice in Space
Astronomical observations of cold regions in the universe show a rich inventory of ices. Part of these ices may end up on planets like our own, but in that journey they will be exposed to considerable amounts of radiation.
Single-molecule fluorescence in sequence space
The sequence-dependence of biomolecular interactions involving nucleic acids and proteins is essential for numerous processes inside the cell. Insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms have been obtained using various biochemical and biophysical methods on two different levels — bulk and sin…
The persistence of space: formalizing the polysemy of spatial relations in functional elements
Op 20 juni promoveert Camil Staps. Het Leiden University Centre for Linguistics feliciteert Camil!
Evaluation of Different Design Space Description Methods for Analysing Combustion Engine Operation Limits
Promotor: Prof.dr. T.H.W. Bäck
Tautological differential forms on moduli spaces of curves
In this thesis we study the moduli space of genus g curves, and the differential forms that occur naturally on this moduli space.
Expanding the chemical space of antibiotics produced by Paenibacillus and Streptomyces
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria pose a major health threat. Addressing this challenge requires among others the development of new antibacterial compounds. The research described in this thesis focuses on discovering novel antibiotics from soil bacteria, specifically Streptomyces and Paenibacillus.Despite…
Egbert Fortuin benoemd tot hoogleraar Russian Language and Linguistics: ‘Ik ben weer terug’
Op 1 augustus is Egbert Fortuin benoemd tot hoogleraar Russian Language and Linguistics. Na een bestuursperiode van vijf jaar als vice-decaan in het faculteitsbestuur staat hij te trappelen om zich volledig aan de opleiding te wijden. Zijn benoeming kan dan ook in vier woorden worden samengevat: ‘Ik…
Regulating a Revolution: Small Satellites and the Law of Outer Space
Op 18 juni 2019 verdedigde Neta Palkovitz Menashy haar proefschrift 'Regulating a Revolution: Small Satellites and the Law of Outer Space'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door promotoren prof. dr. P.M.J. Mendes de Leon en prof. dr. G. Molier.
Juridische en beleidsmatige aspecten van space big data
Op 29 mei verdedigde Dimitra Stefoudi het proefschrift 'Juridische en beleidsmatige aspecten van space big data: juridische implicaties van het gebruik van grote hoeveelheden ruimtedata – regulerende oplossingen en beleidsaanbevelingen'. Het promotieonderzoek is begeleid door Steven Truxal en Bart C…
Boundary extensions of symmetric spaces in equivariant KK-theory
In this thesis we construct an extension associated with the Furstenberg compactification of symmetric space of noncompact type. From this extension we get a cycle in equivariant KK-theory representing the extension. The construction of the extension and the corresponding cycle is a generalization of…
Online Course The Miracles of Human Language: Introduction into Linguistics
There is no human society that does not employ a rich and diverse language. This course introduces you to linguistics, featuring interviews with well-known linguists and with speakers of many different languages. Join us to explore the miracles of human language!
European Space Policy
Lezing, European Union Seminar
The hunt for frozen organic molecules in space
Complex Organic Molecules (COMs) have been detected in objects across different stages of stellar evolution.
Unraveling the surface formation of regular and deuterated water in space: a combined laboratory and computational study
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.V.J. Linnartz
Approach to Markov Operators on Spaces of Measures by means of equicontinuity
The subject of this thesis, ‘Approach to Markov Operators on Spaces of Measures by Means of Equicontinuity’, combines an analytical and probabilistic approach to Markov operators.
Refined tautological relations on moduli spaces of curves
The key purpose of this project is to study tautological relations on the level of closed differential forms or even integral cochains (i.e. we don't take classes in cohomology).
Molecular mystery in space
The space between the stars isn't simply a void; it also contains substances such as methanol and carbon dioxide. So far, chemical theories have been unable to explain how these substances originate under circumstances that should make it impossible. Fedor Goumans has been awarded a Veni subsidy to…
A History of Russian Law
Emeritus hoogleraar Ferdinand Feldbrugge bood op 29 november 2017 het door Brill-Nijhoff uitgegeven “A History of Russian Law” aan aan de decaan van de faculteit, Joanne van der Leun, het hoofd van de universiteitsbibliotheek Kurt De Belder en aan de Eerste Secretaris van de Russische ambassade, Yuri…
someone gets sick, we run to them, not from them': Holding space for solidarity otherwise and the city in times of Covid‐19
In dit artikel onderzoeken de onderzoekers hoe solidariteit begrepen kan worden, rekening houdend met de diversiteit van verhalen, ruimtes, praktijken, lichamen en tijdsperiodes in een stad.
in interstellar ice - new pathways towards molecular complexity in space -
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.V.J. Linnartz, Co-Promotores: S. Ioppolo, H.M. Cuppen