12 zoekresultaten voor “long term presentation” in de Organisatiegids
Jingmin Long
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Feiteng Long
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Fu Long
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Sander van Kasteren
Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
Gedragscode Veldwerk
Archaeological fieldwork is a pivotal part of our training curriculum and professional experience for both our students and staff. It results in the comprehension and the application of essential and diverse methodological archaeological practices, but also in long-lasting friendships and life-time…
Who owns my intellectual property?
Any intellectual property that you may generate within employment of Leiden University of LUMC is owned by Leiden University or LUMC. Since 2010, Leiden University has issued official regulations on working for third parties which state the rules on several topics involved, like the sharing of net proceeds…
Collaborations with industry and/or societal partners
Where your research has led to interesting opportunities which could be further developed into new products or processes, Luris is here to assist with the identification of the potential strategy to follow. And of course to identify external partners to move these ideas forward. In some cases you may…
Patents and the patenting process
What are patents? Patents protect an invention from being commercialised by others without the owner’s consent. A patent does not give a right for use, but rather prevents others from having the right to use your invention (without your permission). The responsibility for enforcing the right…
Zelfevaluatie Onderzoek 2017 - 2022
Op basis van het zelfevaluatierapport 2017-2022 en interviews met een delegatie van afgevaardigden van het Instituut Psychologie Leiden kwam de commissie tot de conclusie dat de kwaliteit van het Instituut zeer hoog is en in lijn met de instituten van de andere universiteiten. Daarnaast roemde de commissie…
Luris Contract Tool
You can easily make your own Confidentiality Agreements (CDA), Material Transfer Agreements (MTA) and Consultancy Agreements with the Luris Contract Tool. In addition to these standard intellectual property contracts, the Contract Tool can also be used to create work documents that are…
Legal Support for Research Contracts: FAQ's
Leiden University has legal counsels with different expertise areas, working in various departments: General Legal affairs (JZ) Privacy legal counsels and officers: privacy related matters, data protection HR: employment related matters Luris: research contracts, valorisation, intellectual property
Onderwijs Service Centrum
Het Onderwijs Service Centrum (OSC) van de Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs verzorgt de registratie van studie- en onderwijsgegevens en het facultair beheer van de ondersteunende systemen voor onze faculteit. Daarnaast is het OSC mede verantwoordelijk voor de organisatie van het onderwijs,…